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Thursday, July 27, 2006

The World With Blinders On

I have to say that the world has absolutely stepped off into lunatic fringe.
When will people realize that the curches and religions for that matter is nothing more than a war, death, mindcontrol machine. I listed a couple of articles below that prove this. Is it any surprise really? Do people really serve a god of death? Can people not think for themselves. Have we really become so helpless that we must serve this hate mongering god and teach our children to do the same. We must go by what people tell us and we can't read or look up facts for ourselves? People have their Faith and beliefs and theories and that is walking through life with blinders on. It's time to start searching for the TRUTH! The truth is out there you just have to look for it...and the Truth Shall Set you Free! Well here is the two articles I have chosen for the day.....I hope you learn from it.
Christian Zionists Lobby Congress - Terror in the name of Jesus
The BBC reported on July 19: "More than 3,400 evangelical Christians have arrived in Washington to lobby lawmakers as part of the first annual summit of Christians United for Israel. Delegates have come from all 50 states and have 280 meetings on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, [main organizer] Pastor John Hagee said."
Rev. Wagner is professor at North Park University in Chicago and a founding member of the Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism. He said today: "Briefly stated, Christian Zionism is a movement within Protestant fundamentalism that understands the modern state of the country-region Israel as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and thus deserving of political, financial, and religious support.
"While American evangelical Christians have long allied themselves with what they claim to be Israel's interests, the rising political power of the Christian Right, along with Republican dominance in Washington, has enabled them to extend their reach from their churches into the making of American foreign policy. Earlier this year, San Antonio televangelist John Hagee published an incendiary new book, Jerusalem Countdown, in which he claims that Iran, which he says is just months away from producing a viable nuclear weapon, must be confronted militarily, because the Bible predicts that such a confrontation will set off a chain of events leading to Armageddon and the Second Coming. Hagee's new lobbying arm, Christians United for Israel, had long planned its visit to Washington this week to lobby Congress, and it drew more attention because it coincided with the current bloodshed in Lebanon and Israel. As a drumbeat of politicians and pundits clamoring for war with Iran becomes louder, Hagee's role in mobilizing the shock troops in support of a military strike is becoming more clear. Prominent Republicans, including Republican National Committee Chair Ken Mehlman, attended the group's events. While many Republicans may not adhere to Hagee's ideas about Biblical prophecy, this dangerous marriage of convenience nonetheless produces public support for Bush's war agenda -- as well as evangelical votes come November."
Link to full article:
Nancy Levant July 25, 2006 NewsWithViews.com
The separation of church and state - gone with the stroke of a pen. As of March 7, 2006, our nation’s leader signed another Executive Order, which tied the Department of Homeland Security to our leader’s “faith-based” churches. Okay, all you non-profit churches out there – you now serve the federal government’s primary spying agency. That is now your primary function. You are now and officially an organized den of thieves.
I would feel sorry for the pastors, ministers, priests, and rabbis except for the fact that I just can’t and won’t. How stupid and positively corrupt can you possibly be to take money in exchange for manipulating your flocks of idiot sheep to the national slaughter? And will you also spy on your flocks and provide reports to your new master?
In exchange for money, have you agreed to pacify and organize your flocks in the event of a national emergency? You certainly have, for you have been ordered to do so. And have you been ordered to offer your buildings, your resources, and your labor forces called congregations to serve your newly declared administrator?
I try to come up with words to describe how I feel about this Executive Order and the churches that have “partnered” themselves to this system. The words don’t come minus the fact that the church has completely and irreversibly fallen to the lowest and darkest common denominator, which is the total betrayal of the souls of the faithful. I would pray for your forgiveness, but I don’t want to.
Nor do I want to write about this sickening topic. But, I appeal to Christian people to 1) ask your church leaders if they are “faith-based” funded, and 2) to leave those churches and start home-based churches with your friends and family members. Do not support Executive Ordered, Department of Homeland Security churches with your presence or your money. You are being manipulated and reported upon – guaranteed.
You are being told what to do when more “crisis” hits the nation, and will hit the nation, as all is now planned down to our “weather emergencies,” which are providing the training and relocation exercises for the real crisis to come – the one that permanently collapses Constitutional America.
The church needs to regroup and gather in homes, where faith is restored, private, and truth is real. Forget the church leadership. They are padding their pockets and socially re-engineering your mind with think tank religion and crisis management, and they’re getting paid to do so – much like the public schools and mass media.
Raise your churches in your homes. All you need is a Bible – one will do. Save yourselves and your souls and leave your new and improved church buildings, fancy organs, fundraisers, and colorful windows behind.
As in all Communist countries, the church will survive underground, so to speak, and with genuine prayer. And serve your Constitutional America. Don’t give up on freedom – even as it dissolves before your eyes. Be courageous in truth and gather together in truth.


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