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Sunday, August 20, 2006

Eye's on the Skies

MORNING PLANETS: If you're up at dawn tomorrow, dash outside and look east. Three planets and the crescent Moon are gathering together just ahead of the rising sun. Look, it's a nice way to begin the day. [sky map]
MAGNETIC STORM: Last night, a geomagnetic storm sent spectacular auroras rippling across Scandinavia: "It was almost scary to see the 'flames' in the sky," says Chris Folde of Selbu, Norway. "I've never experienced anything like it."
Meanwhile in northern Sweden, the midnight sun was making the sky glow unhelpfully. No problem. "The display was so strong I was able to take many pictures," says Patricia Cowern. Here is one of them:
What caused all this? Around mid-day on August 19th, the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) tipped south, opening a crack in Earth's magnetic defenses. Solar wind poured in and fueled the display.
View Photo: http://www.spaceweather.com/aurora/images2006/19aug06/Cowern1.jpg

A solar wind stream flowing from a coronal hole from the sun could reach Earth on August 21st.


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