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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Numbers and Language


The one thing I recalled vividly was his discovery of that number embedded within a word which now struck me as incredibly relevant. The word was “enlightenment”. He highlighted the hidden word “eighteen” by using capital letters: E-nl-IGHTE-nm-EN-t. It was only now, at this particularly enlightening moment, that I realized the distilled value of 18 is 9. I guess it shouldn't have come as any surprise that one could find God embedded in enlightenment. It was all very clever, I thought, but what was the bottom line here? How did it tie together? How could God and Change be related? After all, hadn't we always been taught that God was unchanging, the same then as now and forever more, amen? Maybe, I thought, the word “change” wasn't quite the right word. The connotation was wrong. “Transition” was more like it. In the endless series of numbers, 9 is always the transitional number, the point where one segment ends and the next begins. EnlIGHTEnmENt isn't a thing , it's a process, a never ending spiral. Everytime you reach the transition point of 9 along the journey, you start all over again, only at the next higher level. Now, presumably, the idea would be the eventual attainment of Perfection, of Oneness with God. But if the process is a never-ending one, then what's the point? The point is this. The process is never ending because God is never ending. The process is God. In terms of the numbers, when you total all of the individual numbers 1 through 9 you get 45 which, when distilled, equals 9. In order to actually complete the circle, you must reconnect at 1. But that completion can never be made because the 1 you reach is not the same 1 from which you have just come. It is the beginning of the next level, the next series of 9. God is forever unfolding. God is transition. God is 9.

For full story on the research and the Numerical Pyramid go to the following:


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