ozarks real news

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Deadly Practice

Pentagon to Resume Anthrax Inoculations -- The Pentagon said Monday (October 16, 2006) it will once again begin requiring anthrax vaccinations for troops heading into dangerous regions, reinstating a program that has been challenged repeatedly over possible health risks.

VACCINE SAFETY ADVOCATES OPPOSE PENTAGON’S RETURN TO MANDATORY ANTHRAX VACCINATION OF U.S. MILITARY PERSONNEL -- The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is warning that one-size- fits-all mandatory vaccination policies are dangerous for those with genetic and other biological risk factors, making them vulnerable to brain and immune system dysfunction following anthrax vaccination. Today, NVIC is launching the Military and Biodefense Vaccine Project (MBVP) with a website ( http://www.military-biodefensevaccines.org/ dedicated to providing the public with information on the research, development, regulation, policymaking, legislation and government promotion of military and biodefense vaccines that may be mandated for mass use in both military and civilian populations.
A Brand new website 'Military and Biodefense Vaccine Project' -- The Military and Biodefense Vaccine Project is sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center and is dedicated to increasing awareness about the benefits and risks of military and biodefense vaccines, as well as federal and state legislation which authorize mandatory use of experimental bioterrorism vaccines in military and civilian settings without voluntary, informed consent.


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