Eye's on the Skies December 15th
A coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth yesterday and sparked a strong display of auroras. Another CME may be on the way. An X1-flare from sunspot 930 on Dec. 14th probably hurled a new cloud in our direction. (Confirmation from SOHO is pending.) If so, it would arrive on Dec. 16th and re-energize geomagnetic activity. Stay tuned!
AURORA ALERT: A strong geomagnetic storm is in progress. If it's dark where you live, go outside and look for auroras. And if you don't see them, try taking a picture. A 30-second exposure will often reveal colorful auroras that the human eye cannot see.
AURORA ALERT: A strong geomagnetic storm is in progress. If it's dark where you live, go outside and look for auroras. And if you don't see them, try taking a picture. A 30-second exposure will often reveal colorful auroras that the human eye cannot see.
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