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Saturday, December 09, 2006

Important Message

Important Message from Byron Richards, CCN – Founder of Wellness Resources, Inc.Dear Friends,As this e-mail reaches you, a Big Pharma-driven campaign is underway to undermine your health freedom and deny your access to therapeutic nutritional supplements. This plan is being implemented under the guise of consumer safety, which is totally false. We must act now, today and tomorrow, to preserve our access to therapeutic nutrition.The bill in question is known as AER (Adverse Event Reporting) legislation (HR.6168/S.3546) It will have the net effect of blaming the debilitating effects of drugs, which kill several thousand Americans a week and send 50,000 Americans per week to the hospital with drug injury, on extremely safe nutritional supplements. This is a Big Pharma ploy to shift blame and run its competition out of business. The author of the bill, Senator Durbin (D-IL), receives the majority of his financial support from law firms that handle Big Pharma and biotech clients. Also, Senator Hatch (R-UT) has now become an enemy of health freedom, and is one of the top recipients of Big Pharma money.On December 6, 2006 (last night), the Senate version of this bill was approved by voice vote. The bill was never debated and no testimony was ever given. This is the work of Durbin, Hatch, Harkin, Kennedy, and Enzi. This is government paid for by Big Pharma and entirely opposed to the will of the people.These horrendous Senators are now applying extreme pressure to the House.IMMEDIATE CONSUMER ACTION IS REQUIRED TODAY TO SAVE YOUR ACCESS TO THERAPEUTIC NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTSThere is a massive campaign by many in the health freedom movement to get the message across and stop this bill in the House. YOUR CALL MATTERS. This is what YOU can do to help:1. Contact Congressman John Boehner, House Majority Leader, tell his office you are strongly opposed to HR. 6168 and do not want Congressman Boehner to put it on the House agenda (he controls this). We know he is being heavily pressured by Hatch to put this on the House suspension calendar, which must not happen. John Boehner (Republican Ohio): Washington DC Office - Phone (202) 225-6205, Fax (202) 225-07042. Contact Congressman Joe Barton, Chairman of the Energy and Commerce Commission, and tell his office you are strongly opposed to HR 6168 and do not want Congressman Barton to attach S.3546 to his NIH bill or any other legislation. Note: Senators are holding up his NIH bill in the Senate and want him to add their S.3546 to house version of the NIH bill so it is passed as an amendment to his legislation. He must know that he cannot use health freedom as a bargaining chip. Joe Barton (Republican Texas): Washington DC Office - Phone (202) 225-2002, Fax (202) 225-30523. Call Congressman Dennis Hastert (Republican Illinois), Speaker of the House. Tell his office you are strongly opposed to HR 6168 and do not want it to come up for a vote before the end of the lame duck session. Washington DC Office - Phone (202) 225-2976, Fax (202) 225-06974. Call your own Congressional leader and do the same. To find contact information, click here: http://www.thenhf.com/oppose_S3546_nhf_call_to_action_nov_2006.htm If you would like more information about this legislation go to http://www.TruthInWellness.com and read the headline article on the home page.Once you are done calling, please fax your message as well. It is vital to get the point across. Please pass this information on. Your help is greatly appreciated.Best in health,Byron RichardsWellness Resources, Inc.http://www.wellnessresources.com


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