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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Texas Rally

Keep Our State Free & Don't Let Them Tag Texas

..> ..> ..> GUEST SPEAKERS :
Penny Langford-Freeman
District Director for Congressman Ron Paul

Alex Jones
National radio broadcaster and documentary filmmaker

Hank Gilbert
2006 Democratic Candidate for Texas Ag Commissioner

Liz McIntyre
Co-author of Spychips

Michael Badnarik
2004 Libertarian Presidential candidate

John Dromgoole
The Natural Gardener

Judith McGeary
Executive Director, Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance

Linda Curtis
Executive Director of Independent Texans

David Stall
Co-Founder of Corridor Watch

Terri Hall
Regional Director, San Antonio Toll Party

Gina Parker
National Issues Chairman, Eagle Forum

..> Together with several other groups, we will be sponsoring a rally in Austin on Friday, March 2. The Texas Legislature will be considering bills to address both the National Animal Identification System and the Trans-Texas Corridor, and our elected officials need to hear from the people! A parade of tractors, horses, and people will drive, ride, and walk up Congress Avenue to the Capitol. There will be speakers on the steps of the Capitol. See below for more information about the speakers and logistics.

Please come join us for this important event! And if you can't take off work, you can still help the rally succeed! Post this flyer at local feed stores, supply stores, farmers markets, and co-ops. Take this press release to your local newspaper or radio station, and ask them to do a story. We also need donations to help cover the costs of parking, buses, printing signs, etc. You can donate online , and earmark the donation for the rally.

Date: Friday, March 2, 2007, Texas Independence Day

Time: The march will begin at 1:45 pm, and the rally on the steps of the capitol will run from 2:30-5:00

Musical Performance: Jimmie Vaughan, one of the greatest guitarists in the world of popular music, will be performing a song about RFIDs. www.jimmievaughan.com And more ...

Volunteers: We need volunteers, both before and the day of the rally. Please contact us at info@farmandranchfreedom.org or 512-243-9404 if you can help.

Tractors, horses, etc: Please email info@farmandranchfreedom.org or call 866-687-6452 if you are planning to bring your tractor, horse, or any other animal. All animals need to be under full control at all times – please do not bring any animals that are not used to traffic, crowds, and lots of noise. After the march, tractors and livestock will be escorted back to the staging area where they will stay during the speaker portion of the rally because we cannot have them on the Capitol grounds. City crews will deal with any manure on the streets, but please be prepared to clean up manure at the parking lot.

Staging Area for the March: We have reserved a parking lot at the northeast corner of Cesar Chavez (1st) and Red River. If you plan to be part of the march up Congress, please be at the staging area around 1 pm and NO LATER THAN 1:30 pm. Click here for a map of the area -- the lot is marked with a star.

Route for the March: Everyone will march together down Cesar Chavez (1st) Street to Congress, and then up Congress Avenue. When we reach the Capitol, the people on foot will remain there. Tractors and livestock will turn right on 11th Street and go to Red River, and the go down Red River back to the staging area. People will then be bused and shuttled back to the Capitol steps. We need volunteers to watch the animals back at the staging area from 2:30-5:30. Please let us know if you are willing to help.

Other Parking: Tractors and trailers will have first rights on the reserved parking. There are several parking lots around the Capitol that charge daily rates. In addition, there are several parking garages off of Congress: http://www.downtownaustin.com/transportation/parking/lots/ If you're coming for the speakers, but not the march, Capitol Visitors Center Parking is available in the Capitol Visitors Parking Garage at 1201 San Jacinto located between Trinity and San Jacinto Streets at 12th and 13th streets. Metered spaces are available throughout the complex.

Lobbying: While you're in Austin, go talk to your legislator in person. We'll have talking points and information packets to help people effectively lobby their legislators. Don't be discouraged if your legislator is gone, because talking to their staff is very important too!!! Remember, be polite at all times.

Signs: We will have some signs available at the rally. Feel free to bring your own sign, as long as it has no profanity . All signs should have slogans focused on the topics of the rally: NAIS and the TTC.

Email Alerts: We will be emailing information about the rally to our Texas listserv. You can sign up for free email alerts on the right-hand side of this page.

BLOG: http://www.dont-tagtexas.com/

..> Attachment Size
Dont-Tag-Texas-flyer-2.15.07.pdf 46.16 KB
Press release 2.12.07 Dont Tag Texas.pdf 16.59 KB


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