ozarks real news

Understanding is more important than believing. "Love" Everything else is an illusion!

Friday, October 27, 2006

October 27th Quote

By health I mean to live a full adult, living, breathing life in close contact with.....the earth and the wonders thereof - the sea - the sun.

Naturally Formed

Stephen HutcheonOctober 25, 2006 - 12:40PM
Google Earth spotters have discovered a strange rock formation in the prairies of central Canada that resembles a native American in headdress listening to an iPod.
The rock formation is in Alberta, Canada about 300km southeast of Calgary, near the border with Saskatchewan.
Dubbed the Alberta Indian, the formation was discovered by a Google Earth spotter nicknamed Supergranny.
The area is situated in one of Canada's key gas fields. The nearest urban centre is Medicine Hat, a town of 56,000 known as "The Gas City" which claims to be Canada's sunniest spot.
The rock formation's "face" measures about 255m across and its about 225m long.
The feature which resembles an iPod earphone is actually a road leading up to what one Google Earth spotter who is knowledgeable about the region says is a natural gas wellhead.
In the Google Earth forum, the person names the well as Piper Medhat 6-20-12-1.
Another Google Earth spotter who appears to have some knowledge of geology write that the figure "seems to consist of an area naturally eroded out of the south side of a flat-topped mesa".
(According to the Macquarie Dictionary, a mesa is a land form having a relatively flat top and bounded wholly or in part with steep rock walls, common in arid and semi-arid parts of the world.)
"I can see no sign of it having been created by modern or ancient people. In generally, the shapes making up the Alberta Indian conform to the sort of cursive, fractal erosion features found all around that part of Alberta," the spotter called LoRezFlyer writes on the Google Earth forum.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

October 26th Quote

Reflect on your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on past misfortunes, of which all men have some.

Swan Update

COMET OUTBURST: Only a few days ago you needed a telescope to see Comet Swan. Not anymore. The comet has suddenly brightened to naked eye visibility. The cause of the outburst: Probably, a crack has opened in the comet's nucleus, exposing a fresh vein of volatile ice to vaporizing sunlight.

October Extra

Battle of Los Angeles An eyewitness account of the mysterious object that 'attacked' the LA basin in 1942. --frankwarren.blogspot.com

The Pyramids of China

Since many years already in the popular scientific community and in publications there are many announcements and contentions of gigantic pyramids in China. The puzzle around the look-up seems final after new discoveries. With the help of Google Earth, the objects are to be seen impressively. It can not be maintained longer, there might be no pyramids in China.!They have four sides and they are even square like the pyramids in Egypt and in Mexico. Its size can quite be matched with those of the Pharaons and of the Inca rulers.
Full Article: Great Story with photos!

Dairy Under Attack

Action Alert: Raw dairy being attached, again! Please help! -- Some of our raw dairy farmers are being attacked in Michigan and Indiana. Please open attached Word document, sign, print your name and address and fax to the number listed for each individual at the bottom of the letter. It is important to jam their fax machines for 1 week with this letter and proof of raw milk safety. They must realize that harassing us will cost them outrage, time and money. Please be diligent. People with names starting with the letters A-H should fax them on Monday, letters I-M should fax them on Tuesday, letters N-Z should fax on Wednesday, and everyone who can, please fax again on Thursday and Friday. Jamming government faxes for a week has worked very well in the past to end harassment. Please be tenacious.


By Byron J. Richards, CCN
October 26, 2006
On October 19, 2006, the FDA fired off twenty-four warning letters to small nutrition companies that made claims they had natural remedies to help with diabetes. At first glance, one might think the FDA was actually doing its job. With tremendous bravado they announced to the world their trouncing of internet fraud. It is interesting how the FDA is now teaming up with Mexican and Canadian health authorities to attack American companies, part of the FDA’s illegal North American Union.
Full Story:

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

October 24th Thought

Look at the sentences that seem true and question them.

Homeland Insecurity Oct. 24th

BOSTON (Reuters) - Disaffected people living in the United States may develop radical ideologies and potentially violent skills over the Internet and that could present the next major U.S. security threat, U.S.
Homeland Security Secretary
Michael Chertoff said on Monday.
"We now have a capability of someone to radicalize themselves over the Internet," Chertoff said on the sidelines of a meeting of International Association of the Chiefs of Police.
"They can train themselves over the Internet. They never have to necessarily go to the training camp or speak with anybody else and that diffusion of a combination of hatred and technical skills in things like bomb-making is a dangerous combination," Chertoff said. "Those are the kind of terrorists that we may not be able to detect with spies and satellites."
Chertoff pointed to the July 7, 2005 attacks on London's transit system, which killed 56 people, as an example a home-grown threat.
To help gather intelligence on possible home-grown attackers, Chertoff said Homeland Security would deploy 20 field agents this fiscal year into "intelligence fusion centers," where they would work with local police agencies.
By the end of the next fiscal year, he said the department aims to up that to 35 staffers.

Oh by the way Home Land Screwballs had a meeting to day in Ozark County at Vaught's Restaurant. At the meeting was local law enforcement in case anyone didn't know.

Microwaves and Laserbeams

Airport Defense: Lasers, Microwaves
Cheap, low-tech, easy-to-use, and utterly lethal, shoulder-fired missiles have become a terrorist weapon of choice, killing more than 640 people in 35 attacks on civilian jets. And so far, countermeasures have proven too finicky and too expensive to widely deploy. So the Department of Homeland Security is trying out instead a pair of new defenses, seemingly straight of science fiction: laser guns and microwave blasters.
The Department will spend $4.1 million to test out Raytheon's "Vigilant Eagle" system, which relies a series of microwave pulses to throw off a missile's guidance package. A series of passive infrared trackers, installed around an airport, would look out for missile exhaust. When these sensors detect a launch, data about the missile's trajectory is sent to a control center, which in turn tells a billboard-size microwave array where to blast.
How exactly this is done without disrupting a plane's avionics system has never been fully explained to me. Which may be why DHS is also sinking nearly $2 million into a study of Northrop Grumman's laser-based, "SkyGuard" defense, as well.
The system is a modification of the company's Tactical High Energy Laser, which successfully blasted dozens of Katyusha rockets and mortars out of the air during military testing. The laser, powered by vats of toxic chemicals, was considered too cumbersome for battlefield use. A permanent set-up an airport might be a different story, however.
DHS has spent nearly four years and $239 million to adapt the military's series of countermeasures to civilian jets. But most commercial carriers have been unwilling to pay for the systems, which could cost $50 billion over ten years to install and maintain. So far, Fedex is the only big flier to invest heavily in the defenses, agreeing to outfit 11 of its planes with the countermeasures.
Ground-based systems -- even ones based on ray guns -- might prove more palatable to the airline industry. Sure, the technology is less proven than the jet-based defenses. But eventually, the microwave and laser blasters could prove "more reliable," Daniel Goure, vice president of the Lexington Institute, tells Bloomberg News. "It is easier to be on the ground where you can have an infinite power supply. Aircraft are only vulnerable below a certain altitude, when they are taking off and landing. For most airports you can place them on towers where you can cover landing and takeoff routes."
Raytheon and Northrop have 18 months to prove their futuristic systems are ready to handle the job.

Health News Oct. 24th

Heavy mobile use 'damages sperm'
BBC News October 24, 2006
Heavy use of mobile phones may damage men's fertility, a study has suggested.
Researchers found those men who used a phone for four hours or more a day had fewer sperm and those they had moved less well and were of poorer quality.
The Ohio study involving 364 men was presented to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in New Orleans.
But a UK expert said it was unlikely the phones were to blame, as they were in use and not near the testes, and it may be being sedentary was the cause.
If you are holding [the phone] up to your head to speak a lot, it makes no sense that it is having a direct effect on your testes Dr Allan Pacey, British Fertility Society
The team from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio tested the sperm of 364 men who were being treated at fertility clinics in Mumbai, India, with their partners.
It was found that the heaviest users, those who used their phones for more than four hours a day had the lowest average sperm counts, at 50 million per millilitre (ml) and the least healthy sperm.
Men who used their phones for between two and four hours a day averaged sperm counts of 69 million per ml and had moderately healthy sperm.
Those who said they did not use mobile phones at all had the highest average sperm counts, of 86 million per ml, and their sperm was of the highest quality seen.
'Used without thinking twice'
Dr Ashok Agarwal, who led the research, told the New Orleans conference the study did not prove mobiles damaged fertility, but said it showed more research was warranted.
"There was a significant decrease in the most important measures of sperm health and that should definitely be reflected in a decrease in fertility, which is seen worldwide.
"People use mobile phones without thinking twice what the consequences might be.
"It is just like using a toothbrush, but mobiles could be having a devastating effect on fertility.
"It still has to be proved, but it could be having a huge impact because mobiles are so much part of lives."
He suggested radiation from mobile phones might harm sperm by damaging DNA, affecting the cells in the testes which produce testosterone or the tubes where sperm is produced.
But a British expert cast doubt on the suggested link between mobile phone use and infertility in the men studied.
Dr Allan Pacey, senior lecturer in andrology at the University of Sheffield, said: "This is a good study, but I don't think it tackles the issue.
"If you're using your phone for four hours a day, presumably it is out of your pocket for longer.
"That raises a big question: how is it that testicular damage is supposed to occur?"
Dr Pacey, who is honorary secretary of the British Fertility Society, added: "If you are holding it up to your head to speak a lot, it makes no sense that it is having a direct effect on your testes."
He added that people who use phones for longer might be more sedentary, more stressed or eat more junk food, which might be more likely explanations for the link found in the study.

October 24, 2006
Worrisome New Link: AIDS Drugs and Leprosy

With affordable AIDS drugs arriving in many poor countries, experts say a startling and worrisome side effect has emerged: in some patients, the treatment uncovers a hidden leprosy infection.
No one knows how widespread the problem is. Only about a dozen cases have been described in medical literature since the first one was found, in London in 2003. But AIDS specialists in Brazil, India, Africa, the Caribbean and elsewhere are reporting that some patients on life-saving antiretroviral drugs are developing painful facial ulcers or losing feeling in their fingers and toes.
And in the third world, where 300,000 new cases of leprosy were discovered last year and where 38 million are infected with the AIDS virus, the problem will inevitably get worse, experts say.
Full Story:

And Here We Go Again

500,000 Flu-Shot Doses RecalledSome Vaccine for Low-Income Children Was Found Frozen
By David BrownWashington Post Staff WriterSaturday, October 21, 2006; A02http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/10/20/AR2006102001448_pf.html
The pharmaceutical company Novartis is recalling 500,000 doses of its flu vaccine after two shipments bound for use in a childhood immunization program in New York were found frozen.
Freezing can inactivate influenza vaccine, making it ineffective but not dangerous.
The actual number of doses affected was about 18,600. They froze while in the possession of Cardinal Health, a distributor that handles all the flu vaccine Novartis sells through the federal Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. The vaccine was discarded, and none was used in shots.
When Novartis learned of the problem it decided to replace all 500,000 doses of vaccine it sells through the federal program, which provides free or cut-rate vaccine to children of low-income households.
"We have not gotten any reports from any other places of frozen vaccine," said Eric Althoff, a spokesman for Novartis. "But as a precautionary measure we are replacing all the doses we provided" to the VFC program, he said. The new vaccine, which will be shipped through a different distributor, should arrive by early November.
Maryland's health department recalled 10,700 doses of Novartis vaccine, which is about 7 percent of the amount it bought through the VFC program, said spokesman John Hammond. How much vaccine might be affected in the District and Virginia was not immediately known yesterday
The recall covers only a small fraction of the 110 million doses expected to be available in the United States this flu season. About 40 million doses had been shipped to health departments, doctors' offices and clinics by the end of last week, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta. The VFC program ordered 5.6 million doses.
Cardinal Health does not distribute any flu vaccines for public or private use other than the doses it handles for the VFC program.
Flu season has not started yet. Two states last week reported "local" outbreaks of the viral infection, and six reported "sporadic" cases. The rest reported none.
The vaccine problem was discovered when workers taking delivery of vials at the New York State Department of Health saw that the liquid was frozen and had been incorrectly packed, a spokesman there said. It had apparently been shipped from a Cardinal Health distribution center in Nashville.
The vaccine was made in Liverpool, England. It must be kept at between 35 and 46 degrees Fahrenheit to maintain potency. Its temperature was monitored by sensors during the transatlantic flight, and it was not frozen when it was turned over to the distributor, a Novartis official said.
Cardinal Health spokesman Jim Mazzola said: "We believe that it was packed according to the instructions that were received from the manufacturer. Obviously that the product was frozen is of great concern to us, and we are conducting a full investigation."
The vaccine is sold under the Chiron name even though it is now a Novartis product. Novartis bought Chiron, a California biotech company, in April, and relabeling of the vaccine is not finished, Althoff said.
Chiron was the object of a major vaccine debacle two years ago when all of its flu vaccine -- about 45 million doses -- was impounded and kept off the market because of problems with contamination. That loss cut the nation's supply of flu shots nearly in half that year.

Monday, October 23, 2006

October 23rd Quote

The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.

Vaccine Warning

Three people die after receiving flu vaccinations
Haaretz October 22 2006
Three people have died in the past week after receiving flu vaccines, it was revealed Sunday.
The Health Ministry has instructed health facilities to immediately stop providing the vaccinations.
Army Radio reported that the victims were insured by the Kupat Holim Leumi health maintenance organization, and all three were vaccinated last week at the same branch in Kiryat Gat. The injections were all performed from the same vaccine pool. The victims, ages 75, 70 and 52, had been vaccinated in previous years against the flu, and none showed abnormal reactions.
An initial investigation conducted by the Health Ministry discovered that all three had suffered from various illnesses unrelated to the flu.
Ashkelon District physicians are investigating the deaths. The Health Ministry has contacted the manufacturer of the vaccine, whose products are used all over the world, and requested that it perform extensive examinations of its laboratories.

Report Update:
The Health Ministry announced on Monday that it had not yet been determined whether the deaths of four people were related to influenza vaccinations they had received, and therefore, the administration of flu shots would continue to be suspended until the completion of a thorough investigation.
Full story:

Lunatic Fringe Oct. 23rd

See a smoker in Omaha? Dial 9-1-1Nebraska city imposes toughest enforcement policy in nation.
Omaha's tough new anti-smoking ordinance banning the practice in nearly all public places comes with an even tougher enforcement policy.
The Nebraska city's elected leaders and police department are urging residents who see violations to call the 9-1-1 emergency system for an immediate response.
Omaha banned smoking in public Oct. 2. Penalties are $100 for the first offense, $200 for the second and $500 for the third and subsequent infractions.
Teresa Negron, sergeant in charge of public information for the police, explained the department encourages observers of infractions to pick up the phone to report the infraction – just like they would for any other crime they observe being committed.
Douglas County Emergency director Mark Conrey said people should not call 9-1-1 every time they see someone light up in a restricted area. He said the very idea threatens Douglas County's emergency system.
But, even after Conrey's concerns, Omaha police insisted residents should use 9-1-1 to report smoking law violators.
Full Story:

Microchip News October 23rd

This week in Las Vegas, supposedly "dozens of people" were implanted with VeriChip microchips at an osteopathic medical convention.
That's already weird, since osteopaths seem like the least likely people to want to turn human beings into numbered cyborgs. But several other things made this news story even weirder. First, there was the obvious enthusiasm shown by Las Vegas News 3 reporters Steve Crupi and Nina Radetich around the chipping.
The segment opens with Nina gushing:
"This afternoon, News 3's Steve Crupi watched several people get the computer chips inserted into their arms, which I'm sure was a blast!"
A blast? I'm guessing most people (even those who like VeriChip) instinctively flinch when they see huge needles piercing human flesh. Watching people get chipped sounds like about as much fun as watching spleen surgery.
But it gets worse. The people interviewed make wildly inaccurate statements that go uncorrected in the news story. Here's an example:
News 3 Reporter Steve Crupi: "Does it freak you out at all that you have this microchip in your body now?"
Newly chipped osteopathic physician Matthew Duke: "No, not at all... According to the manufacturer it has no problems with MRI scans or any problems along those lines. And if I want to take it out, it can be easily removed."
But the MRI incompatibility issue was clearly identified by the FDA as a problem. And the chips are anything but easy to remove.
By the way, chipped doctor Matthew Duke (who has no worries about the microchip implant) was the subject of an investigation by his state medical licensing board earlier this year. They issued him a "Letter of Concern" in July over an allegation of improper patient care. Sounds like he may be as careless about his patients as he is about his own wellbeing -- and his facts.
In another case of misleading and inaccurate information, VeriChip spokesman Marc Poulshock says that the implant contains "no antenna" -- which is completely false.
His exact quote is: "That's complete sci-fi. It's a passive chip, there's no power source on it whatsoever There's no antenna on it. There's no GPS feature to it at all."
But that's nonsense. In his 2005 testimony to a government comittee, VeriChip VP Richard Seelig explained that one of the principal components of a VeriChip is its antenna:
"The functional components [of an implantable VeriChip transponder] are an RFID (Radiofrequency identification) integrated circuit, a capacitor, and an antenna."
Will VeriChip spokespeople ever learn how to get through an interview without this kind of factual error? (I've heard them say far worse.) But News 3 just laps it up and asks for more -- Steve Crupi even enthuses over the advantages of someday chipping the military.
This is not the first time Las Vegas station KVBC (a local NBC afilliate) has promoted human chipping. Earlier this year, the station commissioned a poll showing many Las Vegas residents in favor of chipping immigrants. And in 2005 they promoted a plan to implant microchips into one thousand Las Vegas pets.
If you're concerned about the biased coverage of VeriChip by this station, take a moment to drop the reporters and producers a line:
Nina Radetich: nradetich@kvbc.com Steve Crupi: scrupi@kvbc.comJudy Greene, News 3 Producer: jgreene@kvbc.com
News 3 viewers deserve to get the whole story on human chipping, including the privacy downsides and medical risks.

Walnuts may beat Olive Oil for Heart Health

By Ed EdelsonHealthDay Reporter
MONDAY, Oct. 9 (HealthDay News) -- A high-fat dinner followed by an unusual dessert suggests that walnuts might be even better for the arteries than olive oil, Spanish researchers report.
The dinner consisted of a salami and cheese sandwich on white bread, plus high-fat yogurt. The "dessert" consisted of five teaspoons of olive oil for half the diners and 40 grams of walnuts (about eight shelled nuts) for the other half.
Ultrasound examinations showed that the arteries of those eating the walnuts stayed more flexible and elastic after the fatty meal those of the folks who ate olive oil. The study's 24 adult participants had varying levels of blood cholesterol , ranging from healthy to moderately high.
"This study shows the mechanism for the beneficial effects of walnuts," contended study lead researcher Dr. Emilio Ros, director of the Lipid Clinic at Hospital Clinico in Barcelona.
Both olive oil and walnuts decrease the onset of inflammation and oxidation in the arteries after a high-fat meal, but walnuts preserve the blood vessels' flexibility while olive oil does not, according to Ros. He attributed much of the beneficial effect to the alpha-linolenic acid found in walnuts. This nutrient is similar to the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish.
The study, which was funded in part by the California Walnut Board, was expected to be published in the Oct. 17 issue of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.
Ros points out that authorities such as the American Heart Association recommend that Americans eat at least two fish servings a week, preferable oily fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3s increase blood levels of HDL cholesterol, the "good" kind that helps keep arteries clear.
The only problem with that recommendation, Ros said, is that fish isn't as easy to buy and consume as walnuts. The alpha-linolenic acid in walnuts has the same chemical structure as omega-3 fatty acids, he noted, and "linolenic acid found in plant foods provide an inexhaustible supply, while fish are being depleted."
The California Walnut Board -- which has also funded several similar studies -- petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration more than two years ago for its permission to formally claim that walnuts reduce the risk of heart disease.
So far, the FDA has only approved a "qualified health claim," which says that "supportive but not conclusive research shows that eating 1.5 ounces of walnuts per day as part of a low-saturated-fat and low cholesterol diet, and not resulting in increased caloric intake, may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease ."
For its part, the American College of Cardiology had the paper reviewed by Dr. Robert A. Vogel, professor of medicine at the University of Maryland. He issued a statement saying, "This demonstrates that the protective fat from walnuts actually undoes some of the detrimental effects of a high-saturated-fat diet, whereas a neutral fat, such as olive oil, does not have as much protective ability."
People who eat the so-called "Mediterranean diet " -- lauded by many nutritionists as heart-healthy -- believe that olive oil provides the major cardiac benefit, "but this research indicates that's not true," Vogel said. "There are probably other factors in the diet, including that it is a relatively rich source of nuts."
More research is needed to determine whether the protective effect of walnuts is affected by heating and cooking, or whether they are best eaten raw, he added.
SOURCES: Emilio Ros, M.D., Ph.D., director, Lipid Clinic, Hospital Clinico, Barcelona, Spain; Oct 10, 2006, Journal of the American College of Cardiology online; Oct. 9, 2006, news release, American College of Cardiology

Friday, October 20, 2006

October 20th Quote

A good end cannot sanctifie evil means; nor must we ever do evil, that good may come of it.

Eyes on the skies Oct. 20th

AURORA WATCH: A solar wind stream is heading for Earth and it could cause a geomagnetic storm when it arrives on Oct 20th. Sky watchers, be alert for auroras.
ORIONID METEOR SHOWER: This weekend, a mild but pretty flurry of meteors will shoot out of the constellation Orion. The source is Halley's Comet:
Although the comet itself is far away, old clouds of dust from the comet are nearby, and Earth is about to run through them. Specks of Halley-dust hitting our atmosphere faster than 100,000 mph disintegrate as flashes of light--as many as 20 per hour. The best time to look is Saturday morning, Oct. 21st, just before local dawn: sky map.

COMET SWAN: Don't forget Comet Swan. You won't see it when you walk outside tonight; it's a smidgen too dim for the unaided eye (6th magnitude). But the comet is an easy target for backyard telescopes, materializing in the eyepiece as a beautiful emerald fuzzball.
Amateur astronomer Thorsten Boeckel took this picture on Oct. 17th. Perfect timing: He caught Swan gliding by the star Seginus in the constellation Bootes. Another, similar photo-op is due on Oct. 21st when Swan passes by Alkalurops. Sky maps: Oct. 20, 21.

Morgellons Disease Update

New Lab Findings Point To Silicone/Silica and High Density Polyethlyene Fibers. Are These Now Being Sprayed On Meats and Vegetables?

It appears, new lab findings using tissue and bone specimens have solved some of the mysteries of Morgellons Disease.
Eighteen specimens, taken from a 57-year-old woman reveal bone, synovium and joint tissue having extensive degenerative fragmentation, roughening and bony formation and underlying extensive degeneration of the bone. Chronic inflammation with fibrosis, calcification of the bone and surrounding soft tissue of the joint shows presence of crystalloid fragments consistent with silicone and silica. Further, a private study to determine the chemical and biological composition of fiber specimens taken from a second woman in Florida has shown that the fiber's outer casing is made up of high density polyethylene (HDPE). The fiber material is used commonly in the manufacture of fiber optics.
The following are findings presented by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, RIET-1, Industrial Toxicologist/IH & Doctor of Integrative Medicine. "Far-Infrared Radiant Heat (FIR RH) Type Remediation for Mold and Other Unique Diseases" © October 18, 2006, at the NREP Annual Conference in Nashville, TN for the National Registry of Environmental Professionals, P.0. Box 2099, Glenview, IL 60025 Phone: 847-724-6631, Fax: 847-724-4223
Dr. Staninger's findings are pending to published in the Journal of Pathology.
"Morgellons"- - - A disease in which individuals have the growth of fibers from their skin that burn at 1,700 degrees F and do not melt. (20)(* see below) A private study to determine the chemical and biological composition of these fibers has shown that the fibers' outer casing is made up of high density polyethylene fiber (HDPE). The fiber material is used commonly in the manufacture of fiber optics. There is no history of the individual in that industry or coming into contact with this material. It was further determined that this material is used throughout the bio nanotechnology world as a compound to encapsulate a viral protein envelope, which is composed of a viron (1/150th times smaller than a virus) with DNA, RNA, RNAi (mutated RNA) or RNAsi linear or ring plasmids for specific functions. (21, 22) Toxicological pathology identification of tissue biopsies from an individual diagnosed with Morgellons revealed the presence of continual silica or glass tubules with the presence of silicone. (23) Dr. Staninger's full paper presented at conference
It must be noted that the core toxicological effects of silicone alone have been demonstrated throughout the breast implant industry and litigation cases. (24, 25)
Furthermore, silicone cannot make silica, but silica or silica bicarbonate can make silicone through natural cellular interaction in a biological system. The subject did not have breast implants or any other implant or silicon glue injections. "
Other findings Dr. Staninger presented at the conference:
1: The use of the biological pesticide Bacillus Thuringiensis for mosquito control in Santa Monica, California has caused a surfacing of syphilis in individuals who had some infected blood generational relative in the past that had syphilis, meaning either their mother or father had had syphilis before giving birth to the individual, passing off a DNA mutation of the virus to the child, and now these people are developing syphilis after being exposed to this pesticide.
2: 63 % of the patients diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) have a hidden lung worm, Cryptostronylus pulmoni cultured from their sputum.
FDA Approved New Virus Sprays For Foods - August, 2006.
The FDA approved nano-virile protein bacteria eaters that work on deli meats and other ready-to-eat foods in August, 2006. Food manufacturers started spraying this new nantechnology viruses on meats and vegetables in August 2006.
Intralytix Corporation, based in Baltimore, first petitioned the FDA in 2002 to allow the viruses to be used as an additive. It has since licensed the product to a multinational company, which is marketing the virus spray worldwide.
The viruses are known as bacteriophages, viruses that kill bacteria, or phages for short. Phages have been around a long time, living as parasites inside many bacteria.
Intralytix uses biotechnology to grow viral phages in a culture with Listeria, in theory teaching the viruses to recognize the bacteria. The FDA-approved cocktail contains six different viruses intended to attack one strain of bacteria.
This mixture is then sprayed on food. If Listeria is present in the food, the bacteria will ingest the viruses. This results in massive viral replication inside the bacteria, until such point as the bacteria simply bursts. This battle results in significant production of bacterial poisons called “endotoxins”, as the bacteria tries to defend itself. When the bacteria burst, these endotoxins are released. These, along with the victorious live viruses, will now be on the food that will be eaten, ingested into the human body.
The stated goal of the new FDA-approved viruses is to kill a rare bacterium known as Listeria monocytogenes. This bacterium is killed by cooking; however, it poses a problem in meats that are cooked during processing and not cooked again prior to consumption, so it can readily infect foods such as deli meats.
The FDA and Intralytix would like us to believe that these viruses will only attack the specified bacteria they are intended to kill and will be harmless to humans. Wrong ! There is no way they can possibly guarantee such safety. Viruses such as HIV recognize human cells such a T-Cells and Natural Killer cells. The HIV virus attacks and destroys these human cells. Therfore, this new spray-on virus can potentially recognize normal bacterial cells in the human digestive tract and may be able to adapt to infect one or more of these friendly bacteria in the human colon.
The human immune system reacts directly to viral phages. Someone who eats a lot of processed deli meat is certain to evoke an immune reaction to the viruses. What will this reaction be? Allergy? Asthma? Autoimmunity? Morgellons? Cancer? How can the FDA approve a food additive that it knows can induce a variety of human immune responses? Phages, such as this viral spray are equipped to disrupt normal immunity that they are being considered for use as part of organ transplant medicine. What are these people thinking inventing these things?
Now Your Wondering? What Does This Have To Do With Morgellons Sufferers?
FDA, EPA and Nanotechnology
Nanotechnlogy is the ability to control things at an atomic and molecular scale of between one and 100 nanometers and has been met with enthusiasm across a variety of industries. Critics highlight the murky area of how nanoparticles affect toxicity and say nanoparticles should be treated as new, potentially harmful materials and tested for safety accordingly. (5)
Unlike pharmaceuticals, which must go through a series of pre-market approvals, finished dietary supplements need no pre-market approval. Under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), which is part of the Food and Cosmetic Act, only ingredients not marketed in the US before October 1994 must be approved by FDA before use in consumer products. Thus, as it stands, pre-market regulation of nanotechnology in dietary supplements, biological pesticides, and other man made nanotechnology does not fall under FDA, EPA, OSHA, FIFRA and other regulatory agencies in the USA, just for the simple reason that the nanotechnology is so small that the conventional regulatory laboratory methods do not have equipment to measure at 9 decimals below the zero and are only addressing 3 and 4 decimals (ppm, ppb, and ppt). " (Staninger, Dr. Hildegarde, ibid.)
The above is the "tip" of the iceberg. There are now many, many thousands of Moregellons victims across the globe. And the numbers are growing daily. The disease is "unknown" by the CDC, and was instructed by certain members of Congress last July to form a health team to immediately study the findings and report back to them. As yet, the CDC has not come to any conclusion as to what is causing Morgellons. However, some of the proof is in. More is on its way as this private research continues. Isn't it amazing how private individuals in the medical fields have to find the causes of such things as this, yet, the CDC is given billions of dollars by the government each year to operate? These tests, which cost in excess of $30,000, were paid for by private citizens to "find" the cause of Morgellons.
Please call, write, email your Congressman TODAY to issue an order to the FDA to halt the use of these genetically modified viral protein envelope "concoctions" on foods. This is a very serious matter. Please email your friends about this information and get your friends and family involved in writing your Congressman to halt this insidiuous assault on our food supply and our environment. Your call will help in preventing untold millions to suffer, you and your family included!
Write, email, call, fax, your Congressman today. You can find their contact information here:
U.S. Senators Email Addresses
U.S. House Of Representatives
LISTEN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2006 - Radio Talk Show Host Jeff Rense Welcomes Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Dr. Rahim Karjoo, Pathologist, and Several Morgellons Victims as Guests 7:00-10:00 PM (Pacific)http://www.rense.com
Full Story with photos: http://www.dldewey.com/morgel.htm

Thursday, October 19, 2006

October 19th Quote

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.

Info Alert

Here is important information and a link to additional important information.There is already radiation in the air, more in some places than other places. There has been nuclear testing in the USA. Decades ago they tested regular radiation bombs in the western USA. I read something about that contaminating cow's milk. I've read that we all have radiation in our bones from such previous nuclear testing. The human body can only endure a certain amount of radiation. Too much radiation results in sickness and early death. The depleted uranium weapons that have been used in Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Iraq were tested in the USA at the military bases. People that live close to a military base in the USA obviously have been exposed. Of the soldiers that have lived through those wars they have been exposed to depleted uranium from the weapons. I've read about such exposure causing birth defects in the children of such soldiers. I've read about such exposure causing cancer.A while back I received an e-mail message with information to help detox from depleted uranium and radiation. I have posted it on my main website so that people that want to read the information can do so. Why not read the article, bookmark it, and refer other people to read it too. I'm sure there are people, especially the soldiers that have been exposed to the depleted uranium, that need to know the information. If there are one or more nuclear bombs dropped on the USA, which could happen the way the USA government has had strike first wars against foreign countries and looks to be planning for more such wars, then the Americans that survive nuclear attacks upon the USA will need to know the information.Do you have an e-mail list of family, friends, business associates? Will you consider sending an e-mail to refer people to read what I have posted at the link below? You can forward this message. Thank you for any assistance.http://wisdomstore. us/survivalism- writings- 2.0.html. 0.html
Deborah Reid
Note: There is also great information on this site about other topics such as Top 10 Things Food companies don't want you to know and an interesting article about the upcoming starvation of America. Dani

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

October 18th Quote

We hold in our hands, the most precious gift of all: Freedom. The freedom to express our art. Our love. The freedom to be who we want to be. We are not going to give that freedom away and no one shall take it from us!

Eyes on the skies Oct. 18th

ORIONID METEOR SHOWER: This weekend, a mild but pretty flurry of meteors will shoot out of the constellation Orion. The source is Halley's Comet. Although the comet itself is far away, ancient clouds of dust from the comet are nearby, and Earth is about to run through them. The best time to look is Saturday morning, Oct. 21st, just before local dawn: sky map.
CORONAL HOLE: There's a gaping black hole on the sun today.
A stream of solar wind flowing from this hole should reach Earth on Oct. 20th or 21st, possibly sparking a geomagnetic storm. Sky watchers, be alert for auroras!

TWIN PILLARS: "This morning at 7:30 AM, my roommate called me on her way to work and told me to look outside," says Julia Kester of the State University of New York in Oswego. "What I saw was absolutely beautiful: not one, but two rainbows that looked as if they were shooting out of Lake Ontario and arching over the campus."
Photo credit: Julia Kester in Oswego, New York.

Are we safe from government spy plane "drones" crashing into our homes?

Crashes of drone planes flying over the USA are worrying pilots and lawmakers who fear that a surge in interest by federal and local agencies to use the unmanned aircraft could lead to danger in the skies.
http://www.usatoday.com/tech/news/surveillance/2006-08-06-drones_x.htm Safety a concern as drones catch on Updated 8/6/2006 10:47 PM ET By Alan Levin, USA TODAY Crashes of drone planes flying over the USA are worrying pilots and lawmakers who fear that a surge in interest by federal and local agencies to use the unmanned aircraft could lead to danger in the skies. SKY-HIGH WORRIES:Crash stirs debate on drone safety Spurred by the success of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in war zones in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, the Pentagon says it has seen the number of its drone planes increase from fewer than 100 six years ago to 3,500 in 2006. About 700 of those operate in the USA. Federal agencies such as the Coast Guard, NASA, Homeland Security, and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration have expressed interest in using drones for everything from border surveillance to finding lost children.
Full Story:

Deadly Practice

Pentagon to Resume Anthrax Inoculations -- The Pentagon said Monday (October 16, 2006) it will once again begin requiring anthrax vaccinations for troops heading into dangerous regions, reinstating a program that has been challenged repeatedly over possible health risks.

VACCINE SAFETY ADVOCATES OPPOSE PENTAGON’S RETURN TO MANDATORY ANTHRAX VACCINATION OF U.S. MILITARY PERSONNEL -- The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) is warning that one-size- fits-all mandatory vaccination policies are dangerous for those with genetic and other biological risk factors, making them vulnerable to brain and immune system dysfunction following anthrax vaccination. Today, NVIC is launching the Military and Biodefense Vaccine Project (MBVP) with a website ( http://www.military-biodefensevaccines.org/ dedicated to providing the public with information on the research, development, regulation, policymaking, legislation and government promotion of military and biodefense vaccines that may be mandated for mass use in both military and civilian populations.
A Brand new website 'Military and Biodefense Vaccine Project' -- The Military and Biodefense Vaccine Project is sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center and is dedicated to increasing awareness about the benefits and risks of military and biodefense vaccines, as well as federal and state legislation which authorize mandatory use of experimental bioterrorism vaccines in military and civilian settings without voluntary, informed consent.

A Must Read Article


By: Devvy Kidd October 16, 2006
© 2006 - NewsWithViews.com
Americans who have taken the time to understand the big picture and what is happening to our republic repeatedly ask, "What is it going to take to get Americans out of a state of denial and wake up?" Many reply it won't happen until the grocery store shelves are empty. This is certainly true as nothing makes for an angry mob like empty bellies. However, before that phase in the planned destruction of America is reached, control of America's food supply must be harnessed into the hands of a few and horrifying as it is, this process is just about a done deal.

Health News Oct. 18th

Food From Cloned Animals Could Hit Supermarket Shelves -- The Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday it was moving closer to approving meat and milk from cloned animals, and some consumer groups are outraged.

FDA Is Set To Approve Milk, Meat From Clones
Washington Post October 17, 2006By Rick Weiss
Three years after the Food and Drug Administration first hinted that it might permit the sale of milk and meat from cloned animals, prompting public reactions that ranged from curiosity to disgust, the agency is poised to endorse marketing of the mass-produced animals for public consumption.

TV Watching Tied To Autism, Study Says
KCCI.com October 17 2006
Researchers from Cornell University said they have discovered a link between TV watching and autism.
The authors looked at county-by-county information on when cable TV entered an area, as well as precipitation rates.
The analysis showed that children from rainy counties watch more television and that areas with high precipitation also had higher autism rates.
"The analysis shows that early childhood television viewing could be an environmental trigger for the onset of autism and strongly points to the need for more research by experts in the field of autism," said Michael Waldman, a professor of economics at Cornell's Johnson Graduate School of Management.
A news release from Cornell reported that the autism rate was 1 in 2,500 children 30 years ago, but has increased to as high as 1 in 166 as TV viewing has increased.
The authors looked at indirect views such as weather and cable penetration rates because there was no data to track autism against how much time children spend watching TV.
"Our analysis is not definitive, but it certainly raises questions that seem to have gone unasked in autism research to date," said Sean Nicholson, an associate professor of policy analysis and management at Cornell.

New Agenda of the New World Disorder

Government Targets American Bloggers As Enemy Propagandists Military, Homeland Security, Bush White House strategy sharpen knives against anyone critical of the "war on terror"
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com October 17 2006
Recent scientific polls that show around 84% don't believe the government's explanation behind 9/11 and others confirming the fact that support for the war in Iraq is at an all time low have led the Bush administration to sharpen their knives against the new breed of perceived "enemy propagandists," bloggers, journalists and online activists who dissent against the "war on terror."
As Raw Story reports , CENTCOM announced earlier this year that a team of employees would be "[engaging] bloggers who are posting inaccurate or untrue information, as well as bloggers who are posting incomplete information."
So when you're wasting your time arguing the finer points of the collapse of Building 7 or the quagmire in Iraq with someone who seems unable to grasp basic principles, your foe could well be sat behind a plush U.S. government desk in a uniform.
CENTCOM is infiltrating blogs and message boards to ensure people, "have the opportunity to read positive stories,"presumably about how Iraq is a wonderful liberated democracy and the war on terror really is about protecting Americans.
The CENTCOM website features a useful section, "What Extremists Are Saying," which provides a full catalogue and showcases the diatribes of US government agents Abu Mus'ab al-Zarqawi , Ayman al-Zawahiri and their sympathizers - rhetoric that CENTCOM hopes surfers will seek out in order for them to grasp a true understanding for the necessity of bombing the shit out of another broken backed defenseless country in the name of "freedom."
The jaw-dropping hypocrisy of a regime and its military attack arm that has engaged in the most gargantuan of deceit and propaganda purges against the American people then pointing the finger at inquisitive bloggers for "aiding the enemy," is alarming to behold.
President George W. Bush looks up as he signs the Military Commissions Act of 2006 in the East Room of the White House in Washington. The bill effectively nullifies nine of the first ten amendments to the U.S. constitution and ends the "great experiment" known as The United States of America.
The White House has made it perfectly clear that it will target American citizens for propagating information harmful to the interests of the U.S. government and classify them as enemy combatants. This is codified in sub-section 27 of section 950v. of the Military Commissions Act of 2006.
Bush's own strategy document for "winning the war on terror" identifies "conspiracy theorists," meaning anyone who exposes government corruption and lies about major domestic and world events, as "terrorists recruiters," and vows to eliminate their influence in society.
In a speech given Monday, Homeland Security director Michael Chertoff identified the web as a "terror training camp," through which "disaffected people living in the United States" are developing "radical ideologies and potentially violent skills."
Chertoff has pledged to dispatch Homeland Security agents to local police departments in order to aid in the apprehension of domestic terrorists who use the Internet as a political tool.
How long before influential online writers, bloggers and journalists like Greg Palast, who was charged with aiding the terrorists when filming "critical U.S. infrastructure," are arbitrarily gunned down on the street like in Russia or the newly "free" Iraq?
The Bush administration's media mouthpieces have also been mobilized to stereotype any kind of critical thinking as "giving aid and comfort to the enemy," a recent case in point being Fox News' Bill O'Reilly calling for the FBI to investigate the 9/11 Scholars organization for possible ties to terrorist organizations.
Will we witness a "night of the long knives" to silence any and all dissent as the official dictatorship is announced or does the chilling effect of simply threatening to treat bloggers and journalists as terrorists go far enough to intimidate enough people to keep their mouths shut?
A combination of this chilling effect and moves to license websites, impose "hate speech" restrictions and kill off the old internet in favor of a government regulated, China-style "Internet 2" are the tools in the arsenal of the neo-fascists who wish to continue their domestic and imperial bloodletting under the mandated consensus of total obedience.

Monday, October 16, 2006

It's Raining Again

Try to stay warm and dry today!
With Love....Dani

October 16th Quote

A full cup must be carried steadily.

It Has Begun

CELESTIAL TRIANGLE: If this happened at midnight, it would be big news for sky watchers. Instead, it's happening at noon, and no one can see it.
"It" is a convergence of Venus, Mars and the bright star Spica. The three have surrounded the sun in a triangle only a few degrees wide.
The celestial triangle will be most compact on Oct. 17th.

Hawaii 6.6 Quake

HONOLULU - Officials fanned out across Hawaii early Monday to inspect bridges and roads following the strongest earthquake to rattle the islands in more than two decades, a 6.6-magnitude quake that caused blackouts and landslides, but no immediate reports of fatalities.
"The level of damage is still being assessed right now," Rodney Haraga, director of the Hawaii Department of Transportation, told CBS' "The Early Show" Monday.
"We know that on the Big Island we have had some problems with road closures, some rock slides and right now we're sending a team this morning to go to the Big Island to do an assessment on several highways."
The quake hit at 7:07 a.m. local time Sunday, 10 miles north-northwest of Kailua-Kona, a town on the west coast of Hawaii Island, also known as the Big Island, said Don Blakeman of the National Earthquake Information Center, part of the
U.S. Geological Survey' name=c1> SEARCHNews News Photos Images Web' name=c3> U.S. Geological Survey.
Haraga said power had been restored on Oahu to only about 50 percent of customers, but electricity on the Big Island was "practically all up."
Gov. Linda Lingle issued a disaster declaration for the state and the state Civil Defense had several reports of minor injuries as aftershocks continued to shake the island chain.
"We were rocking and rolling," said Anne LaVasseur, who was on the second floor of a two-story, wood-framed house on the east side of the Big Island when the temblor struck. "I was pretty scared. We were swaying back and forth, like King Kong's pushing your house back and forth."
Lingle, who was in a hotel near the epicenter, said the most serious injury reported to her was a broken arm.
The Pacific
Tsunami Center reported a preliminary magnitude of 6.5, while the USGS gave a preliminary magnitude of 6.6. To make matters worse, the quake struck during heavy rain, adding a risk of mudslides.
The earthquake was followed by several strong aftershocks, including one measuring a magnitude of 5.8, the USGS said. Forecasters said there was no danger of a tsunami, though choppier-than-normal waves were predicted.
Earthquakes in the 6.0 magnitude range are rare in the region, which more commonly sees temblors in the 3- and 4-magnitude range caused by volcanic activity.
"We think this is a buildup from many volcanic earthquakes that they've had on the island," said Waverly Person, a geophysicist with the USGS.
The power outages were largely due to power plants turning off automatically when built-in seismic monitors were triggered by the earthquake. All electricity systems needed to be rebooted, which was expected to take several hours in more populated areas.
"We were totally prepared for a disaster such as this, but obviously with a disaster this big you can't be prepared for everything," Haraga told ABC's "Good Morning America."
Kona Community Hospital on the western side of Big Island was evacuated after large chunks of ceiling collapsed and power was cut off, according to a hospital spokeswoman.
At least 10 acute care patients were evacuated to a medical center in Hilo, said Terry Lewis, spokeswoman for the hospital. About 30 nursing care patients were being moved temporarily to a nearby conference center, she said.
"We were very lucky that no one got hurt," said Lewis.
Mayor Harry Kim estimated that as many as 3,000 people were evacuated from three hotels on the Big Island. Brad Kurokawa, Hawaii County deputy planning director, confirmed the hotels were damaged, but could not say how many people had left. They were being taken to a gymnasium until alternate accommodations could be found, he said.
The earthquake caused water pipes to explode at Aston Kona By The Sea, a condominium resort, creating a dramatic waterfall down the front of the hotel from the fourth floor, said Kenneth Piper, who runs the front desk.
"You could almost see the cars bouncing up and down in the parking garage," Piper said.
Hawaii's largest quake on record was an 1868 magnitude-7.9 earthquake that triggered a tsunami and spawned numerous landslides that resulted in 31 deaths, according to the USGS. The last strongest temblor was in 1983, registering a magnitude 6.7.
A FEMA computer simulation of the latest quake estimated that as many as 170 bridges on the Big Island could have suffered damage in the temblor, said Bob Fenton, FEMA director of response for the region. More than 50 federal officials were en route to the Big Island to assess damage and begin recovery work, he said.
Lingle told radio station KSSK that she toured the Kona area by helicopter to view the damage, including earth falling into Kealakekua Bay.
"You could see the water was turning brown," said Lingle.
On Hawaii Island, there was some damage in Kailua-Kona and a landslide along a major highway, said Gerard Fryer, a geophysicist at the Pacific Tsunami Center. Officials also said there were reports of people trapped in elevators in Oahu.
In Waikiki, a top tourist destination on Oahu, worried visitors began lining up outside convenience stores for food, water and other supplies. Managers were letting tourists into the darkened stores one at a time.
Karie and Bryan Croes waited an hour to buy bottles of water, chips and bread.
"It's quite a honeymoon story," said Karie Croes, as they sat poolside in lounge chairs surrounded by grocery bags at ResortQuest Waikiki Beach Hotel.
Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Les Dorr said planes were arriving at Honolulu International Airport, but there were few departures. Security checkpoints were without power, so screeners were screening passengers and baggage manually.
Resorts in Kona were asked to keep people close to hotels, Kim told television station KITV. Cruise ships were told to keep tourists on board, and ships that were due to dock were asked to move on to their next location, he said.
"We are dealing with a lot of scared people," he said.
The Big Island has about 167,000 residents, many of them in and around Hilo, on the opposite site of the island from where the quake was centered.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Repost from 12th

Help still needed....please visit site ate the following. Thanks Dani

October 15th Quote

It is in the knowledge of the genuine conditions of our lives that we must draw our strength to live and our reasons for living.

U. S. Troops Become Foreign Troops

KABUL, Afghanistan -
NATO extended its security mission Thursday to all of
Afghanistan nearly five years after the West began its war to defeat the Taliban, taking command of 12,000 U.S. troops in the war-battered country's east.
The handover diminishes the
Pentagon's role in Afghanistan and gives the Europe-based military alliance its biggest test yet.
The transfer of command "illustrates the enduring commitment of NATO and its international partners to the future of this great country," said British Gen. David Richards. He was promoted to the military's top rank hours before a handover ceremony at the NATO compound in Kabul attended by President Hamid Karzai and U.S. Lt. Gen. Karl Eikenberry.
The takeover caps an already historic expansion for the military alliance that was created as a Cold War bulwark against the Soviet Union. The mission in Afghanistan is the biggest ground combat operation in NATO history, and gives Richards command of the largest number of U.S. troops fighting under a foreign commander since World War II.
With NATO handed the lead role, Washington has shed some responsibility for a stability project that appears to be headed in the wrong direction. U.S. voters readying for midterm elections have expressed fatigue with the Bush administration's twin wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan.
Full Story

Neocons in Space: Pre-emptive War Goes Interplanetary

Welcome to a radical new vision of space and the future, from the same crowd that brought you Iraq. In a little-noted policy document, the Bush Administration has unilaterally declared its right to conduct pre-emptive attacks on foreign spacecraft and on any objects or installations that might support them from the ground. It has also declared its opposition to international treaties that might restrict space exploration to primarily peaceful purposes.
These policies could have disastrous consequences right here on Earth someday.
They've also committed themselves to privatizing government space projects, an initiative that could hand billions more tax dollars to the usual set of government beneficiaries. And they emphasize nuclear power in space - ironically, on the same day that Americans learned of hundreds of cancer deaths from a nuclear accident in Southern California - deaths that were covered up by the U.S. government and its contractor Boeing.
But the new directive's biggest change from previous space policies is in its emphasis on war. While it supports some positive goals, its militaristic statements have the effect of declaring a "New Space Order."
One thing the world should have learned by now is to take the syndicate now in power at its word. Their blue-sky academic exercises in re-imagining the Middle East led to a catastrophic war in Iraq. Theoretical discussions about abrogation of American rights resulted in the creation of barbed-wire 'Free Speech Zones,' the dismantling of habeus corpus, and the assertion of a unilateral right to spy on our country's own citizens.
That means that a recent Presidential Directive on National Space Policy (warning: .pdf file) should be considered a serious declaration of purpose. Steven Aftergood of the FAS Project on Government Secrecy describes the policy as "assertive." That's an understatement.
First, after a few bromides about the peaceful use of space, the document declares a new emphasis on militarization by declaring that those 'peaceful purposes' "allow U.S. defense and intelligence-related activities in pursuit of national interests." Then comes this important statement:
The United States considers space capabilities -- including the ground and space segments and supporting links -- vital to its national interests. Consistent with this policy, the United States will: preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space; dissuade or deter others from either impeding those rights or developing capabilities intended to do so; take those actions necessary to protect its space capabilities; respond to interference; and deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to U.S. national interestsNote that each of these statements is sweeping in nature. Terms like "adversary," "deter," "deny," and "those actions necessary" are undefined. This paragraph asserts an unlimited U.S. right to act pre-emptively against the space capability of any nation who it chooses to label an adversary or a threat.
What could those acts actually be? There are only a few possibilities. One would be to use ground, air, or space-based weaponry (e.g. missiles, 'killer satellites') to 'take out' satellites or even space stations placed by a foreign power. Another, more threatening possibility, is that the U.S. could unilaterally 'deny the use of space capabilities' by bombing a launching facility or staging area. A third possibility is the destruction of research facilities in order to prevent a nation from 'developing capabilities' for hostile space flight.
Presumably the 'one-percent doctrine' would also apply here. If there is a one-percent possibility that another nation might use its space capability against the US, even to defend itself, pre-emptive attacks could be undertaken.
This last point is critical. The Administration is asserting its right to deny any country its own space-based defense capability, while continuing to pour millions into this technology (which has proved spectacularly unsuccessful to date).
Only a few countries are capable of implementing such technology right now, the likeliest of which is Russia. The President's claim represents, in effect, a re-establishment of the Cold War and a declaration of his unilateral right to move beyond the spirit of those treaties that helped end it.
The Directive also dismisses the central role of treaties in preserving peaceful coexistence in space, saying instead that "the United States ... rejects any limitations on the fundamental right of the United States to operate in and acquire data from space," adding:
Proposed arms control agreements or restrictions must not impair the rights of the United States to conduct research, development, testing, and operations or other activities in space for U.S. national interests.There are good arguments to be made for taking an aggressive (excuse me, 'assertive') stand in favor of our right to conduct espionage and other defense-related activities from space-based platforms. But it's a long leap from that position to the one in this Directive, which closes the door on future agreements that might be in the interests of the U.S.
This Directive is yet another example of contempt for diplomacy, and for a lack of skill and knowledge in the field of negotiation. (See Kathleen Reardon.) Strong and smart negotiators don't telegraph their position before starting to talk, nor do they box themselves into a corner with bellicose statements. The watchword of a good negotiator is "Don't talk before you talk." They fail to heed this good advice - but then, negotiation isn't the objective.
Even from a hawkish point of view, the bellicose statements are foolish. If you perceive a real threat at some point, you can always choose to act. But warlike statements only serve to limit a government's options - or to make it appear weak should it choose not to act.
The underlying purpose of the Directive, however, is to declare a "New American Century" and assume the rights of empire - in this case, in space. But 'Star Wars' fans will tell you what can happen when someone tries to assert imperial power across the dominion of space.
The privatization of the space effort is spelled out here, too. "Departments and agencies shall use commercial space capabilities and services to the maximum practical extent, purchase commercial capabilities and services when they are available in the commercial marketplace ... continue to include and increase U.S. private sector participation in design and development," and "refrain from conducting activities that preclude, deter, or compete with U.S. commercial space activities, unless required by national security or public safety."
In other words, the U.S. space program must now use the same procurement policies that brought you Halliburton, Blackwater, lost billions in Iraq, and faulty body armor. If nothing else, the Republicans are consistent to a fault in their desire to enrich a small group of contractors.
There are some good things in the Directive, too. The development of a healthy private-sector space industry is, in fact, a good goal for U.S. public policy - provided that it's balanced by strong oversight and supported with public-sector research that's available to all Americans.
The Directive encourages the development of more American space professionals, and emphasizes stronger research and development initiatives. These are also excellent objectives. It emphasizes "... a sustained and affordable human and robotic program of space exploration" for scientific research - although most space scientists would rather leave the emphasis on "robotic" exploration, which is a much more cost-effective way of advancing human knowledge.
When it comes to the militaristic threats and plans, however, it's important to take it very seriously when the Republicans make statements of this kind. Day after day they're working in think tanks across the country, envisioning the world as they'd like to see it. Then they put their theories into action in the real-world. This Directive is a glimpse into their thinking. Therefore, it's a glimpse of a possible dark future where pre-emptive space conflict triggers earthbound war - possibly with a nuclear superpower.
Democrats and other groups should take the lead in articulating an alternative vision for space - one that includes scientific research, improvement in U.S. research capabilities, development of new technologies, and the novel uses of space by individuals, organizations, and commercial interests. All of this can be accomplished with an emphasis on peaceful international collaboration, while at the same time reserving the right to use space as part of our array of defense capabilities.
Until that vision is articulated and implemented, however, take note: today's policy statement is tomorrow's reality.

Health News Oct. 15th

Harvard Study: Strong Link Between Fluoridated Water and Bone Cancer in Boys
Boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidelines are five times more likely to have a rare bone cancer than boys who drink unfluoridated water, according to a study by Harvard University scientists published in a peer-reviewed journal.
The study, led by Dr. Elise Bassin and published online today in Cancer Causes and Control, the official journal of the Harvard Center for Cancer Prevention, found a strong link between fluoridated drinking water and osteocarcoma, a rare and often fatal bone cancer, in boys. The study confirms studies by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the New Jersey health department that also found increased rates of bone cancer in boys who drank fluoridated tap water.
Full Story:
EWG Public Affairs October 13 2006

Saturday, October 14, 2006

October 14th Quote

Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle

To ward off evil or a sign of evil?????

In the following article although these symbols and gestures may be authentic in certain traditions I think maybe the writer of the article is obscuring the true meaning behind them.

I wouldn't go around doing this if I were you!!!!

Life & Style > Everyday
Bedeviled by evil spirits? Try these ancient rituals
By Andrea Sachs
Today is Friday the 13th and, if you're not careful, an evil spirit could enter your body and steal your soul -- or, at the very least, cause you to drop a meatball on your crisp white shirt. To ward off bad luck, protect yourself with any of these five rituals or tokens employed by cultures around the world. Muslims call it the Hand of Fatima, while Jews refer to it as the Hand of Miriam, hamsa hand or hamesh hand. Both faiths, however, agree on its powers. The hand with the colored eye -- found on necklaces, ornaments, stickers, etc. -- will shield you from the powers of the evil eye.
Layer on the eyeliner and smoky eye shadow. Ancient Egyptians believed that makeup prevented the evil one from entering your eyes. Show the 'horned hand.' It looks like a secret greeting among Metallica-heads, but Italians do the mano cornuta for protection. To form the gesture, use your thumb to hold down your middle and ring fingers, then extend your pointer and pinkie like horns. Though this might ward off evil spirits, it could also attract heavy-metal rockers or University of Texas fans. In Jewish tradition, you have a few options: Spit three times on your fingertips, then wave them in the air; throw salt; say, in Yiddish, kayn aynhoreh ("no evil eye"); or eat lots of garlic. For Transylvanians, the garlic (worn, not ingested) also frightens off vampires and werewolves. Grab a carrot, a replica of the Washington Monument or any other phallic object. According to Romans, such objects seduce the evil spirit away from you -- however, your carrot might then be possessed.

Meteor In Kansas????

Does world-record meteorite await unearthing in Kansas?
Scientists and the man who detected a large object beneath a wheat field may know today.
Something big is buried beneath a south-central Kansas wheat field, according to Steve Arnold’s metal detector.
But could it be a meteorite, likely the largest ever found on Earth? Or could it be something as mundane as an old tractor?
Meteorite hunter Arnold and some scientists may know the answer today as they use special equipment to make images of the object, which Arnold’s metal detector measured at 12 feet by 18 feet and perhaps 7 feet below ground.
“I usually try to set my expectations a little low and be pleasantly surprised,” Arnold, a Wichita native, said in a phone interview Thursday from the farm near Greensburg.
Arnold has created a lot of interest in his discovery. Scientists from The Houston Museum of Natural Science and NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston are in Kansas to look at the object using a ground-penetrating radar device.
Carolyn Sumners, director of astronomy at the museum, said no one has tried to hype the potentially large meteorite. Only a few news outlets have been notified.
“We don’t want another Capone’s vault,” Sumners said, referring to the 1986 buildup to the live television opening of gangster Al Capone’s vault. Only dirt and some empty liquor bottles were discovered.
Sumners wants to do a film for the museum on the recovery of a meteorite and then put the rock on display.
Even if the large object is not a meteorite, several much smaller but potentially significant meteorites could be on the site, according to Arnold’s metal detector.
Arnold made big news last fall when on the same farm he uncovered a 1,400-pound pallasite meteorite, the largest of its type ever found. It had a rare bullet-like shape and smooth surface, and was made of nickel and olivine crystals.
The size of that one was not close to the world-record Hoba meteorite, which is about 9 feet by 9 feet and weighs 66 tons. Found in 1920, it is in Namibia.
If the object Arnold found is a meteorite, it could be twice as big as the Hoba meteorite, said Phil Mani, Arnold’s partner and lawyer, who will be at the farm site this weekend.
Mani said 99 of 100 objects the metal detector picks up are “meteor-wrongs,” but he was still hopeful the Kansas one was a meteorite because of its size. If it is detected as an apparent meteorite, a hole will be dug Monday so that part of it can be uncovered and viewed.
That, Mani said, would be “the eureka moment.”

Laser Weapons

WHITE SANDS MISSILE RANGE, N.M., Oct. 13 (UPI) -- Boeing has begun flight testing in New Mexico of the concept of an aircraft-mounted tactical combat laser that could eventually be used against ground targets.
The low-power tests at White Sands Missile Range involve a laser mounted on a belly of a C-130 and are part of the Advanced Tactical Laser (ATL) Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration.
The low-power solid state laser is a stand-in for the high-power chemical laser designers believe can be deployed to attack ground targets, particularly in crowded urban settings or against moving targets where a high degree of precision is required.
"ATL will transform the battlefield by giving the warfighter a speed-of-light, precision engagement capability that will reduce collateral damage dramatically," Boeing Vice President Pat Shanahan said Friday. "The start of flight and laser testing shows that Boeing is making solid progress toward making this revolutionary capability a reality."
The oxygen-iodine chemical beam produces an effect similar to a blow torch that can easily cut through metal, and is effective as distances up to 9 miles, making it possible to be used both out of sight and earshot of the enemy.
Boeing said in a release that the beam is precise enough to hit the tire of a moving vehicle without risking a hit on the fuel tank or passenger compartment.
The chemical laser was fired for the first at a site in Albuquerque last month and will continue ground tests through the fall. It will be installed in a small turret on the C-130 next year for mission simulation flight tests.

Friday, October 13, 2006

October 13th Quote

To love is to see a glimpse of heaven.

From the Dept. of Homeland Stupidity

The latest Sacramento resident to be questioned by federal agents in possible threats against President Bush is a 14-year-old girl with a heart on her backpack and braces on her teeth, a freckle-nosed adolescent who is passionate about liberal politics and cute movie stars.
Her name is Julia Wilson, and she learned a vivid civics lesson Wednesday when two Secret Service agents pulled her out of biology class at McClatchy High School to ask about comments and images she posted on MySpace.
Beneath the words "Kill Bush," Julia posted a cartoonish photo-collage of a knife stabbing the hand of the president. It was one of a few images Julia said she used to decorate an anti-Bush Web page she moderated on MySpace, the social networking Web site that is hugely popular among teenagers.
The Secret Service refused to answer questions about the case or even confirm an investigation. Eric Zahren, a Secret Service spokesman, said the agency does not discuss its work "due to the sensitivity of our mission."
But Julia's mother, Kirstie Wilson, and an assistant principal at McClatchy High said two agents showed them badges stating they were with the Secret Service and the Department of Homeland Security.
Federal law prohibits making serious threats against the president, and Julia and her parents say what she did was wrong.
The couple are disturbed, however, that federal agents questioned a child at school -- without her parents present. And First Amendment lawyers question whether the Secret Service over-reacted to a 14-year-old's comments on a Web site made for casual socializing.
"I don't condone what she did, but it seems a little over the top to me," said Julia's father, Jim Moose. "You'd think they could look at the situation and determine that she's not a credible threat."
Earlier this month, federal officials arrested two Sacramento-area men for allegedly threatening the president. Elk Grove resident Michael Lee Braun has been charged with sending two threatening letters to the El Dorado Hills country club where Bush recently made an appearance. Rocklin resident Howard J. Kinsey is accused of threatening the president through a text message.
Here is how Julia Wilson's family tells their story:
Two Secret Service agents arrived at their Land Park home about 2:30 Wednesday afternoon, Kirstie Wilson said. They told her they wanted to speak with her daughter about threats to the president that she had posted on MySpace.
"She was in molecular biology, and I said I really didn't want to take her out of class for this," Kirstie Wilson said. "I said I'd make sure she came right home from school."
She asked the agents to come back in an hour, and they left.
Then Wilson sent her daughter a text message instructing her to come straight home from school.
"... there are two men from the secret service that want to talk with you. Apparently you made some death threats against president bush. Dont worry youre not going to jail or anything like that but they take these things very seriously these days," Kirstie Wilson wrote.
"Are you serious!?!? omg. Am I in a lot of trouble"? her daughter replied, using common teenage shorthand for "Oh, my God."
Kirstie Wilson called her husband. While they were on the phone, she received another text message from her daughter: "They took me out of class."
It was a 15- to 20-minute interview, Julia said. Agents asked her about her father's job, her e-mail address, and her Social Security number. They asked about the MySpace page she had created last year as an eighth-grader at Sutter Middle School.
"I told them I just really don't agree with Bush's politics," Julia said Thursday. "I don't have any plans of harming Bush in any way. I'm very peaceful; I just don't like Bush."
The MySpace page under question was a group page, similar to an online club.
Most of the groups Julia is a part of are fan clubs for movie stars like Jake Gyllenhaal and Ewan McGregor. The group that got her in trouble was called something like "People who want to stab Bush" -- Julia said she doesn't remember the exact name because she soon changed it.
After an eighth-grade history lesson in which she learned that threatening the president is against the law, Julia said she changed the group name to "So Bush is an idiot but hey what else is new?"
The group primarily consisted of her teenage friends who share her liberal political interests, Julia said. She deleted the group page over the summer when she decided that MySpace was juvenile and taking up too much time.
Moose and Wilson say they had no idea what their daughter had posted online.
"I was more than happy to have them talk to her about the severity of what she did. But I wanted to be here with her," Kirstie Wilson said.
McClatchy Assistant Principal Paul Belluomini said he usually does not notify parents when law enforcement officials come to school to interview students.
"Parents usually interfere with an investigation, so we usually don't notify them until it's done," he said.
Sacramento City Unified School District policy calls for parents to be notified but doesn't say whether it should happen before or after a student is interviewed. State law doesn't require parental notification.
In any case, said Ann Brick, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California, Julia Wilson's post did not sound like a "true threat" to the president, making it political speech that is protected by the First Amendment.
"The courts have to distinguish between political rhetoric and hyperbole and a real threat," Brick said. "A reasonable person would have to interpret what was said as indication of a serious intent to commit harm."
Peter Scheer, executive director of the California First Amendment Coalition, said in the current political climate, "the threshold that brings (agents) in has gotten lower."
"It's a cautionary tale for kids who are on MySpace that putting something on MySpace like 'Kill the President' is not the same as saying it on e-mail or over the phone," Scheer said. "The government is not systematically listening to all phone calls or going through e-mails, but it probably does search the Internet."

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Urgent Help Needed!!!!!

I urgently need your help. Please go to the following link to my website and read Special Notice.
I urgently need your help if you can do so....Thanks...Dani

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

October 11th Quote

If your here for four more years or four more weeks, you're here right now. I think when you're somewhere you ought to be there. It's not about how long you stay in a place it's about what you do while you're there, and when you go, is that place any better for you having been there?

Pyramid in the sky

Mars, Venus and Spica are converging on the sun, and on Oct. 17th they will surround it in a triangle only a few degrees wide.

The Natural Way of Honey

When Jennifer Eddy first saw an ulcer on the left foot of her patient, an elderly diabetic man, it was pink and quarter-sized. Fourteen months later, drug-resistant bacteria had made it an unrecognizable black mess.
Doctors tried everything they knew -- and failed. After five hospitalizations, four surgeries and regimens of antibiotics, the man had lost two toes. Doctors wanted to remove his entire foot.
"He preferred death to amputation, and everybody agreed he was going to die if he didn't get an amputation," said Eddy, a professor at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.
With standard techniques exhausted, Eddy turned to a treatment used by ancient Sumerian physicians, touted in the Talmud and praised by Hippocrates: honey. Eddy dressed the wounds in honey-soaked gauze. In just two weeks, her patient's ulcers started to heal. Pink flesh replaced black. A year later, he could walk again.
"I've used honey in a dozen cases since then," said Eddy. "I've yet to have one that didn't improve."
Eddy is one of many doctors to recently rediscover honey as medicine. Abandoned with the advent of antibiotics in the 1940s and subsequently disregarded as folk quackery, a growing set of clinical literature and dozens of glowing anecdotes now recommend it.
Most tantalizingly, honey seems capable of combating the growing scourge of drug-resistant wound infections, especially methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or MRSA, the infamous flesh-eating strain. These have become alarmingly more common in recent years, with MRSA alone responsible for half of all skin infections treated in U.S. emergency rooms. So-called superbugs cause thousands of deaths and disfigurements every year, and public health officials are alarmed.
Though the practice is uncommon in the United States, honey is successfully used elsewhere on wounds and burns that are unresponsive to other treatments. Some of the most promising results come from Germany's Bonn University Children's Hospital, where doctors have used honey to treat wounds in 50 children whose normal healing processes were weakened by chemotherapy.
The children, said pediatric oncologist Arne Simon, fared consistently better than those with the usual applications of iodine, antibiotics and silver-coated dressings. The only adverse effects were pain in 2 percent of the children and one incidence of eczema. These risks, he said, compare favorably to iodine's possible thyroid effects and the unknowns of silver -- and honey is also cheaper.
"We're dealing with chronic wounds, and every intervention which heals a chronic wound is cost effective, because most of those patients have medical histories of months or years," he said.
While Eddy bought honey at a supermarket, Simon used Medihoney, one of several varieties made from species of Leptospermum flowers found in New Zealand and Australia.
Honey, formed when bees swallow, digest and regurgitate nectar, contains approximately 600 compounds, depending on the type of flower and bee. Leptospermum honeys are renowned for their efficacy and dominate the commercial market, though scientists aren't totally sure why they work.
"All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide," said Peter Molan, director of the Honey Research Unit at the University of Waikato in New Zealand. "But we still haven't managed to identify the active components. All we know is (the honey) works on an extremely broad spectrum."
Attempts in the lab to induce a bacterial resistance to honey have failed, Molan and Simon said. Honey's complex attack, they said, might make adaptation impossible.
Two dozen German hospitals are experimenting with medical honeys, which are also used in the United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand. In the United States, however, honey as an antibiotic is nearly unknown. American doctors remain skeptical because studies on honey come from abroad and some are imperfectly designed, Molan said.
In a review published this year, Molan collected positive results from more than 20 studies involving 2,000 people. Supported by extensive animal research, he said, the evidence should sway the medical community -- especially when faced by drug-resistant bacteria.
"In some, antibiotics won't work at all," he said. "People are dying from these infections."
Commercial medical honeys are available online in the United States, and one company has applied for Food and Drug Administration approval. In the meantime, more complete clinical research is imminent. The German hospitals are documenting their cases in a database built by Simon's team in Bonn, while Eddy is conducting the first double-blind study.
"The more we keep giving antibiotics, the more we breed these superbugs. Wounds end up being repositories for them," Eddy said. "By eradicating them, honey could do a great job for society and to improve public health."