ozarks real news

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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Eye's on the skies Oct. 3rd

Pyramid in the Sky:
As October unfolds, Mars will approach the sun from the left, Venus from the right, eventually forming a compact triangle less than one degree wide. Dates of closest approach: Oct. 23rd - 27th. Mark your calendar and join SOHO for a ring-side seat.

New Comet Sited:

COMET C/2006 T1 (LEVY): Proving that fancy CCD cameras are not required to discover comets, David H. Levy of Tucson, AZ, reports his visual discovery with a 0.41-m reflector of a diffuse comet close to Saturn in the sky: ephemeris. The new comet glows like a 10th magnitude star, making it an easy target for medium-to-large backyard telescopes. Ref: IAU Circular 8757.


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