ozarks real news

Understanding is more important than believing. "Love" Everything else is an illusion!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Call For ACTION!!!!

Paid Media.....What happened to peoples letters?
Well things are getting really deep seeded. It has been two weeks now since I sent my letter on the war on drugs, guns and the truth to 5 MO. newspapers for them to put in their opinon section. As of today...NOTHING!!!!!
Letter was sent to KC Star, St. Louis Post Dispatch, Springfield News Leader, West Plains Daily Quill and The Ozark County Times. Cowards of the press not wanting to discuss this bogus war on drugs and the uses of cannabis that could save the economy, farmers, people and this planet. I earlier posted Mike Hagan's report of his radio broadcast where he also stated he had sent a letter to two local newspapers and after three weeks.....NOTHING!!!!!
Last night I addressed the KOLR channel 10 news station on the propaganda pieces they were running on the HPV vaccine....sent them all the facts. Still they continued to run their press release programing and did not report the truth in regards to this urgent matter.
Screw 'EM !!!!!
Starting today I'm running my own campaign to spread the truth on these issues....The Truth about Cannabis, Vaccines, Ron Paul Presidential Campaign and what ever may come down the pike. I encourage everyone out there to do the same. It's time to make some changes!!!
And all you people that like to talk on these subjects but keep silent in public it's time to step out of the closet.....we need your voices to be heard.
Burn copies of interviews, make flyers, write articles....let's get the truth out there. Hand this material out to everyone you see......and have your friends do the same.
It's Time To Take Action!!!


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