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Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Truth Campaign

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RON PAUL for President Flyer pdf format Ron Paul for President Flyer

HPV Facts Brochure Media reports vs. Facts pdf format HPV (Gardasil) Facts Brochure

Support the Honorable Ron Paul For President
850 N. Randolph Street, Suite 122
Arlington, VA 22203Phone: 703-650-9559Fax: 703-652-2552
mail@ronpaulexplore.com Website: www.ronpaulexplore.com
Toll Free WeeklyUpdate:888-322-1414

For the Record:

Congressman Paul Opposes NAFTA SuperhighwayRon Paul outrage at the planned “NAFTA superhighway” that will require eminent domain actions on an enormous scale in Texas and beyond. H.Con.Res 487, introduced by Virginia Representative Virgil Goode and cosponsored by Paul, expresses the sense of Congress that the United States should not engage in the construction of a NAFTA superhighway or enter into any plans to create a North American Union between Canada, the U.S., and Mexico.
Paul Votes for Stronger Border Security
Congress Passes Paul Provision to Reject UN Taxes
Paul Fights Mandatory National Animal Identification SystemNAIS Threatens Independent Ranchers and Farmers
Paul Named #1 Tax Cutter in Congress
Congress Unanimously Supports Paul Amendment to Protect Civil Liberties
Paul Denounces National ID Card
Gun Control on the Back Burner
November 6, 2006 For most Americans, guns are not a political issue. People buy and own guns to protect their families, not to commit crimes.
Introduction of the "Industrial Hemp Farming Act of 2007"
It is unfortunate that the federal government has stood in the way of American farmers, including many who are struggling to make ends meet, competing in the global industrial hemp market. Indeed, the founders of our nation, some of whom grew hemp, would surely find that federal restrictions on farmers growing a safe and profitable crop on their own land are inconsistent with the constitutional guarantee of a limited, restrained federal government. Therefore, I urge my colleagues to stand up for American farmers and cosponsor the Industrial Hemp Farming Act.

HPV Information Guide


Media: Reports that Cervical Cancer is the #2 Killer of Woman
FACT: Cervical Cancer According to Mayo Clinic …Cervical Cancer doesn’t even make the Top 10. The top 10 leading killers of women in the U.S. are heart disease, stroke, lung cancer (more than 70,000 deaths of women per year), respiratory diseases, Alzheimer's, breast cancer, diabetes, accidents, flu/pneumonia and colon cancer. About 3,700 U.S. women die of cervical cancer each year; that is about 1/8th of the number of women who die from colon cancer, the No. 10 killer of U.S. women.
Media: Gardasil (HPV Vaccine) protects woman from cervical cancer.
FACT: Gardasil is NOT a cancer vaccine. It is a vaccine that claims to prevent only 4 out of over 100 HPV viruses.
“HPV, it's a sexually transmitted disease that's virtually 100 percent avoidable without a vaccine.Additionally, most cases of the infection clear up on their own. HPV can be overcome by means such as adequate sunlight exposure and vitamin D consumption, supplementation with probiotics, adequate intake of selenium and zinc, increased consumption of trace minerals and iodine, and regular physical exercise. (Dr. Marcola)”
Media: HPV Vaccine has little to no side effects such as….redness around the injection site, fever and headache.
FACT: The Washington Times reports additional concerns about negative side effects from the vaccine reported in 20 states. The article quotes :"The most frequent serious health events after GARDASIL shots are neurological symptoms," said NVIC Health Policy Analyst Vicky Debold, RN, Ph.D. "These young girls are experiencing severe headaches, dizziness, temporary loss of vision, slurred speech, fainting, involuntary contraction of limbs (seizures), muscle weakness, tingling and numbness in the hands and feet and joint pain. Some of the girls have lost consciousness during what appears to be seizures."
From the National Vaccine Information Center:
In an analysis of reports made to the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) since the CDC's July 2006 universal use recommendation for all young girls, NVIC found reports of loss of consciousness, seizures, joint pain and Guillain-Barre Syndrome.
The Gardasil vaccine has only been on the market since June 2006, and there are already 82 reports of serious adverse events filed with the FDA following the administration of this vaccine. ( As of date that number could be significantly higher )
FACT: Because the HPV vaccine was only studied for 3 1/2 years, the long-term effectiveness and safety of this vaccine has yet to be determined. It took years for thalidomide and Vioxx (also a Merck product) to demonstrate their most negative side effects.Merck also states "The duration of immunity following a complete schedule of immunization with GARDASIL has not been established."


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