ozarks real news

Understanding is more important than believing. "Love" Everything else is an illusion!

Monday, July 31, 2006

July 31st Quote

Don't be afraid to be weak
Don't be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocense

Tonight's Special Feature

The Mystery of the Pyramids....Christopher Dunn
Tonight on RadiOrbit at 11:00 PM cst.
For more information please go to RadiOrbit

July 31st Health News

Aspartame - The World’s Best Ant Poison
contributed by Jan Jensen of WELLthy Choices
We live in the woods and carpenter ants are a huge problem. We have spent thousands of dollars with Orkin and on ant poisons trying to keep them under control but nothing has helped.
So when I read somewhere that aspartame (Nutrasweet) was actually developed as an ant poison and only changed to being considered non-poisonous after it was realized that a lot more money could be made on it as a sweetener than as an ant poison, I decided to give it a try.
I opened two packets of aspartame sweetener, and dumped one in a corner of each of our bathrooms. That was about 2 years ago and I have not seen any carpenter ants for about 9 to 12 months.
How does it Work: Aspartame is a neuropoison. It most likely kills the ants by interfering with their nervous system.

Kinda makes you wonder why it is used as a sweetener doesn't it.
Full Story:

Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Kickapoo Tale

I heard this little Kickapoo tale recently. There is a lot of truth in it and I want to share it with you. "Creator had just made the human race and since man would not be able to handle all the knowledge at once, He and the 7 Spirits which represent the 7 Sacred Directions, were trying to decide where to hide the Sacred Knowledge.
The first Spirit thought they should hide it on the bottom of the ocean. But Creator told him that these humans would someday go there and find it.
The second Spirit suggested they hide it on a mountain top but Creator said that wouldn't work either.
Another Spirit thought that hiding it in a tree might work, but Creator said sadly that man would soon cut down the trees. A fourth Spirit that they should bury the knowledge, but they all decided that man would soon be tempted to dig in the ground and would find it.
And still another Spirit thought that they could hide the knowledge on the moon for man would never venture there. But Creator told them that these humans would be so adventuresome that not even the moon would be safe from them.
They thought and thought about what to do until finally Creator had an idea. 'I'll hide the Sacred Knowledge in their hearts for that will be the last place they look.' And so he did."
And that is the way of it. All the knowledge you will ever need is hidden inside your heart. All you have to do is learn to go inside and get it.

To read more from Susan B and writer of the words from Indian County go to the following:
The Native American Journal

This Weeks Word from Indian Country

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> The Disappearing Indian
Ever since the first white man set foot onthis Sacred Land, our own People have predicted the end of our race.Indeed, from the very beginning we began to die of diseases, murder and cultural genocide. These forces continue even today.
For us Cherokee, it wasn't until the whites began pushing our people into the West that our forefathers began to feel that the end was near. To the Cherokee People the West is "The Darkening Land" where all spirits travel when they are done with this life. But it wasn't the disappearance of our bodies that tolled the death knell to these old timers. It was the disappearance of our own culture, our own religion, our medicine plants and hunting lands that made them fear our extermination was at hand. And I have found this to be sadly true.
While there are tens of thousands of "Indians" alive today (and more people joining the ranks hourly) there are very few true Native Peoples. Most of us have become "white" in every way. Our prophets warned us about taking the white man's cooking pots, his religion and his customs. Nevertheless, we have embraced our genocide by embracing all of these things, including and especially a foreign religion, one born of greed, embedded in the concept of Manifest Destiny and carried out at all cost of life.
In the beginning many of our People resisted this conversion to Christianity. But as time went on and generation after generation marched into the West, many People came to believe that if they really did become Christian, they would be left alone.
Sadly, this wasn't true. Being Christians didn't save the Moravian Delaware, who, despite of a mass conversion to Christianity, were rounded up by their converters, bound, forced to kneel and massacred - despite Christian prayers and pleas spoken in perfect English. Nor did conversion save the Cherokee from being driven out of their homeland - even if they did sing"Amazing Grace" on the trip. One fourth of our People perished along the way. Today we are scattered - no longer one strong Nation.
Converting to the white man's ways didn't save the Navajo, the Apache, the Quapaw, the Arapaho, the Kickapoos, the Potawatomi, the Shawnee, The Sioux, The Cree, the Yahi,the Blackfeet or any of the more than 500 Nations who lived here before the coming of the invaders.
We are living in interesting times.While all eyes seem to be focused on Biblical Prophecy, Creator has given our People prophecies that have been handed down orally since time began. Much of that has been lost, but much also remains.
While many false "chiefs" and "medicine people" are making the rounds today,Creator has given his People strong leaders who will guide them back tothe old ways. But he won't make them follow.
The Spirits of yourAncestors will guide you home, but you have to listen. Time is of the essence.
"We are told that your religion was given to you by your forefathers, and has been handed down from father to son. We also have a religion which was given to our forefathers, and has been handed down to us, their children. We worship in that way. It teaches us to be thankful for all favors we receive; to love each other and be united. We never quarrel about religion, because it is a matter which concerns each man and the Great Spirit. Brother, we do not wish to destroy your religion or take it from you; we only want to enjoy our own." __ Chief Red Jacket (Sagoyewatha), Seneca

Fuoride Alert

DOW Wants To SprayFluoride On Your FoodFrom POWA7-28-6DOW Chemical has been lobbying the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to allow it to spray a new fluoride-based pesticide (sulfuryl fluoride) on hundreds of foods prepared in the US. If DOW gets its way, sulfuryl fluoride will become a major new source of fluoride, making it even more difficult for consumers to avoid fluoride in their daily lives. What's worse, the levels of fluoride allowed to be sprayed on food will be shockingly high: 70 ppm for processed foods, 130 ppm for wheat products, and 900 ppm for dried eggs! To voice your concerns about the use of sulfuryl fluoride on food, please take a few seconds to sign the personalizable ONLINE LETTER to EPA Administrator Stephen Johnson, produced by Fluoride Action Network (FAN) at: [link to actionstudio.org] If you wish to submit letters on your own, you can find instructions at the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) link: [link to www.democracyinaction.org] campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=4658&t= THE EPA PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD ENDS ON AUGUST 4th. PLEASE SIGN TODAY!! Thanks for your help with this important issue!! Please tell your friends!

For More complete Information on fluoride and it's deadly effects please read the following artile by Mary Sparrowdancer:
The Battle of Darkness & Light

Fuoride and Aggression

Saturday, July 29, 2006

It's A Time To Choose Life Over Death

Apocalypse No! an indigenist perspective
by Juan Santos
The Script
From the beginning, this culture—civilization—has been a culture of occupation. - Derrick Jensen
It's scripted: a tragedy whose end is embedded in its beginnings, an unfolding logic whose conclusion is the inevitable result of its premises.

It's simple. And obvious. We find ourselves in the midst of the most rapid mass extinction in Earth's history; we have the power to all-butend life on Earth. We can do so with nuclear weapons, today, in Iran,or simply by turning the ignition switch on our automobiles and gliding over paved surfaces where nothing can live. A little more carbon dioxide, just a little, will tip the scale - unleashing our potential for matching the greatest mass extinction ever – the one called The Great Dying.

Science has given us until roughly 2012 to take radical action tochange the course we're on. In the next six years, they tell us, we will determine the fate of the Earth. With the US and its white colonial puppet Israel on a nuclear collision course with Iran and Syria, we may have less time than that.
250 million years ago 95% of all species died. Only one large land animal was left. Carbon dioxide and methane – the two most deadly ofthe greenhouse gases – were responsible. We can do it again. We've followed the script, we know our lines, and we've reached the final scene.

For that reason, this is a most exciting juncture for the Armageddon mongers among us.

That's most of who believe in the colonizer's religion, in the Beast,the Great Tribulation, the Four Horsemen, the Seven Seals, and the other visions of St. John the Apocalyptic, whose hallucinogenic fantasies penetrated clearly into the essence, unveiling the inevitable end, the direction this civilization must head and the end it must reach.

Fundamentalist Christians everywhere are working overtime to "bring it on"; they want to fulfill the conditions for the return of Christ,whose first priority and purpose in action, according to the book of the Revelation, will be the destruction of the Earth.

But first, the fundamentalists believe, they must be certain of two things: the stability and existence of the white colonial settler state of Israel, and that the "gospel" is "preached to every creature"on Earth.

Throughout history the "gospel" has been "preached" through conquest. Otherwise there might not have been a single Christian in theAmericas, Africa, or, for that matter, Europe. Christianity spread with the Roman Empire, and, in the midst of the Inquisitions, "spread"to the Americas in the wake of the Conquest, a conquest in which as many as 100 million native people died. It spread to Africa in the late 1800s as Europe divided the continent and colonized it in wars that cost another 50 million lives. It spread like a disease, bringing death to millions as part of the two greatest, most racist Holocausts in the history of "civilization."

A practical interpretation of the fundamentalist perspective might view the matter this way: the fundamentalists believe that they have failed to conquer the world, and Jesus, or the Antichrist (there's little functional difference – both come as Destroyers) will come back and conquer it for them in the battle of Armageddon. For this scenario to unfold requires the existence of Israel, and, at a minimum, that every living human has heard the "good news" of "salvation."

Then, Jesus will come back with a vengeance. Everything will be under control; everything will be dead. And if it's not, then there's always the Last Judgment for backup.

The images of the "end times," the symbols of the Revelation, Armageddon, and the rest are familiar throughout "Christendom" – the lands and peoples conquered by the church and its allies – the people who survived, at least.

For many of us, they serve as a frame of reference that's not only familiar, but normal – images lodged, unquestioned, in the subconscious and that function as a mythic encoded drama – a script about where we come from, where we are, and the nature of our destiny. Like all such encoded dramas this one frames our identity. It's the myth we're living, as Joseph Campbell would have it.

It doesn't matter if you "believe" in it or not.

If you live in a "Christian Nation" and think you're not a "Christian"– if you think you're above all that, put aside the question of"belief" for a moment. Dwell, instead, with the images: The Beast; Armageddon; the Seventh Seal, and watch as their compelling power asserts itself.

A Way of Death

Our current sense of self is no more sustainable than our current use of energy or technology. - Jensen

Since the dropping of the Bomb on Hiroshima the cultural identity based on these images has been shattering.

No one openly admitted that "success," according to the script, meant success as the total domination and destruction of Life on Earth –even though we are on the brink of doing just that - or that the essence ofcivilization's "meaning" is to be found etched in the shadows burnt by the Bomb's atomic flash into Hiroshima's walls. No teacher openly tells a room full of school children "Success means destruction and meaning, in our culture, means death."

In the US, elements of the sixties generation either clearly understood the matter – beginning with Allen Ginsberg's Howl and the onset of the Black movement for freedom – or they were caught up in the mass discontent that spread like a wave from Ground Zero, and from the worldwide anti-colonial uprisings of the post-war era.

The most conscious elements of humanity got the deeper message – often at great personal cost: not only that the Bomb is evil, or that slavery, conquest and genocide are evil, but that this way we live is a way of death, in its entirety. Many understood that there must be analternative, and they were by no means naïve or merely "idealistic" indemanding it "NOW."

They were, rather, speaking the language of life, a language most were unable to hear or speak.

This was the impetus behind the great cultural transformations of that time. Much of the exploration, the seeking of a way out of here, led toward an embrace of various forms of salvationist ideology and practice – Marxist, Buddhist, Hindu and their thousand and one New Age variations - none of which break the fundamental mold of the civilization that shaped them.

So much has changed for nothing to have changed.

But underlying much of these explorations and permeating the approachof many of the explorers was a "new" – actually ancient, paradigm –one ultimately grounded in the science of ecology and the intuition of ecologists and those close to the Earth – holistic thinking.

This approach to the world has gained a toehold in Western Civilization over the last 35 years or so - just soon enough for many to begin to remember what indigenous peoples have always held close. The Earth is one living being. And now, as a species and as a planetof living beings, we have nothing but a toehold between us and the abyss.

It's not just the bomb, of course, it's the whole thing – the Earth isn't "dying" – we're killing Her. This is the Apocalypse; Mass Extinction, Peak Oil, Agricultural Collapse, Ecosystem Collapse,Nuclear War: the Apocalypse goes by many names. Its most occult nameis "Everyday Life."

Our "way of life" has never worked on planet Earth and it never will –every empire in world history has collapsed, every empire overshot its"resources" – and this empire will be no different.

We've had, as Daniel Quinn has put it, our Great Forgetting of ourplace on Earth.

Now, we urgently need a Great Remembering.

Resource Wars and Fascism: Babylon's Way Out

Those in power rule by force, and the sooner we break ourselves of illusions to the contrary, the sooner we can at least begin to make reasonable decisions about whether, when, and how we are going to resist. - Jensen

Cognizant that life itself has but a bare toehold on the planet, the bible thumpers are thumping, the business as usual clock is ticking, and the empire builders are gunning for oil.

They don't think that when it goes down, they'll go down with us. The bible-ists think they'll be "raptured" into "Heaven." The capitalists and super capitalists have their own brand of "rapture." They plan to buy the lifeboats, to live in ease, squeezing the earth for every copper cent and ounce of oil left in Her. And they mean for their progeny to rule what is left after the wall comes tumbling down.

That's what today's massive and deliberate redistribution of wealth and resources toward the rich is about.

They mean to run what's left on "clean nuke," as Bush calls it, even though – like the reserves of coal, oil, and natural gas, uranium will mostly be depleted by 2100.

They plan to control the world's nuclear weaponry, as best they can,and thus what remains of the oil. As the rest of the world sinks into oil starvation, economic depression, and mass starvation, no one – theUS imperialists hope - will be able to challenge their dominance of the Earth's "resources."

In the meantime, they mean to overthrow or face down the Big 3, the oil rich 3, the new evil axis of Iraq, Iran, and of course, the newest target – Venezuela. Bolivia will not be far behind; it's also hydrocarbon-rich, and its government is no more "cooperative" than therest. Mexico, with its stolen elections, and Saudi Arabia, with its bloated royal family, are under control, for the moment, and Bush, the idiot savant, will never let go of Iraq. The current US/ Israeli assault on Lebanon and Hizbollah is phase two of a plan to gain strategic control over the Middle East. US Secretaryof State Condoleezza Rice calls it a "New Middle East," in the same spirit as the "New World Order" declared by Bush1. Prominent members of the Bush 2 administration, such as Vice President Cheney, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and others linked to the "Project for a New American Century", speak openly of a Pax Americana and openly advocate that the US totally dominate the globe militarily, beginning with theMiddle East. The aim is to crush non-state resistance groups like Hamas and Hizbollah, to squeeze Syria, and lay the groundwork for a massive assault on Iran – whose vast reserves of oil and Islamic ideology represent the most formidable block to utter US power over the region and its oil reserves, and thus, over the world. "It is time for a new Middle East, it is time to say to those who do not want a different kind of Middle East that we will prevail; they will not,"Rice said in Jerusalem.

The Project for a New American Century says Iran is "rushing to develop ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons as a deterrent to American intervention..."

Even the hint that Iran might – one distant day - combine its vast reserves of hydrocarbons with a nuclear capacity to defend them and thus remove them permanently from the grasp of the American Empire,has unleashed a storm of preparations for a major war - even a nuclear war - one pitting the US, Israel and Turkey against Iran and its ally Syria. Such an aggression could readily draw China, Russia, or evenFrance into the fray in an effort to protect their own stakes in Iran's oil, lighting the fuse of a nuclear Armageddon.

Make no mistake, however – the elites of each of these nations mean to milk Mother Earth of fossil fuels for their own benefit – not that of the US, and certainly not in the interest of planetary stability and the sustenance of Life. This is a way of death -rebel state, rogue state and Empire alike. Only Cuba is different at all, and it has no oil.

All civilization is about power and the addiction to power;Euro-American culture is permeated with nothing but power; all the West does is in its pursuit. For now, at least, they're the "experts."

Enter the era of resource wars and fascism.

It's "necessary" if "civilization" and our "way of life" and "standard of living" are continue for even a while – even for the elites.

We are entering the dark tunnel of the new era now. The US's colonial war of occupation in Iraq is a resource war. The overt threats against Iran, the rumblings and assassination plots against Venezuela and the bombing of Lebanon portend more of the same.

As the economy – and thus the civilization – based on oil runs dry, a sit can no longer deliver, as it consumes itself in "economic downturns" the powerful will see only one choice. War and mass repression.

As the availability of cheap energy evaporates, as oil production peaks, Third World economies will begin to collapse, even as the Green Revolution – the hydrocarbon based agricultural "miracle" that has led to a doubling of the Earth's population – also begins to collapse.

Starvation, mass rebellion and insurrection will become the order ofthe day for already impoverished peoples on a global scale. With theonset of increasingly dramatic impacts of global warming and the rapidly escalating depletion of the world's aquifers much of the Third World may become as desperate and chaotic as sub-Saharan Africa is today.

The Pentagon has developed plans, not only for resource wars, but for dealing with a global and vastly accelerating refugee crisis – their aim is to keep the refugees out of the First World entirely. This is the backdrop for today's targeting and scapegoating of migrant populations within the US and Europe. Under such conditions the ruling elites see migrant peoples as a potential source of acute internal instability.

As the Empire seeks to establish its hegemony over oil and to maintain its hegemony over its Third World puppets while suppressing its colonized and dispossessed populations at "home"; as it is forced to become increasingly brutal to carry out its aims (witness Lebanon)mass discontent and rebellion could erupt, even in the belly of the beast.

It would seem that mass repression –- even open fascism -– are the only things that might keep the peasants –- us – starving in line. Peoples of color within the US will be the first and most visible mass targets. But every targeted group – including women, will be increasingly at risk of overt, violent repression as the State careens toward open fascism.

If the destroyers have their way, there will be no light at the end of the tunnel we are entering, only starvation, limited but ceaseless resource wars, and the thousand year reign of the Anti-Christ - a permanent new Reich.

Their other option is Armageddon.

The City of God

"Hell is empty, all the devils are here." - William Shakespeare

Even as Israel launched its devastating assault on the Lebanese people, US neo-con darling Newt Gingrich called it the opening phase of World War lll, and over 3,000 members of a Christian fundamentalist sect hit Washington DC in a mass lobbying effort to urge that the US attack Iran.

Their leader, the Rev. John Hagee, wants to bring on the apocalypse and believes the Book of Esther predicts that such an attack would set off the "End Times." His followers are not alone. In 2002 a Time/CNN poll held that 59 percent of US citizens believe that the prophecies of the Book of Revelations will come true. Other polls show that roughly 40 percent of people in the US believe that a sequence of events that presage the biblical "End Times" is now under way.

Hagee – a televangelist called "Pastor Strangelove" by some – is the author of Jerusalem Countdown, which has sold some half million copies. It was the nation's top "inspirational" book and stayed on best-seller lists for weeks. Hagee holds that the US and Israel must launch war against Iran to fulfill God's plan – that they must launch the opening salvos of Armageddon.

Such is the wrath of god – or of those who claim to be god's earthly representatives. As portrayed in the book called the Revelation it is a wrath extreme beyond measure. The book's mixed metaphors, messages and morality are equally extreme.

Revelation 11:18 brings the message – and the confusion – home: "It is time," the passage declares, "to destroy those who destroy the Earth."

But that's not what happens. Instead, in his vengeance, the deity –following precisely the logic of Western civilization, destroys the Earth himself. The most generous interpretation that can be offered is that he destroys the village in order to save it.

He then – having destroyed all Life - creates a new, "pure", and patently sexless world to replace it. But really, it's not a world at all; at least there is no description of the "New Earth." It serves only as a backdrop to the "New Jerusalem." It's as if there were nothing but a city, a city with no countryside, no surroundings, no Earth, no sea, no animals, no life—a heavenly place, a place that can at last be ruled with no disorder – with nothing left to destroy.

The creation of this Disney style future is the aim and end result of god's "plan." It's "god's way" out of the conundrum of civilization, the way out the "World" that Christian fundamentalists are taught to"hate," and to destroy even as they replicate it. The "City of God,"as Augustine preached, would ultimately triumph.

Babylon System: The City of Man

"The Babylon System is the Vampire" – Bob Marley

But the real City – i.e. civilization – obviously doesn't work like that. The City, with its concentration of wealth, with its division of labor, with the inability of its population to feed itself, cannot exist without exploiting the Earth and the people that surround it. As its population grows in both size and density, it must expand its control of the surrounding territory in order to access more food and resources. This is the foundation of all Empire and mass enslavement.It is the beginning of genocide. As Daniel Quinn points out, the cultures that stand in the way of the city's territorial expansion must be destroyed, or assimilated, which amounts to the same thing.

To get rid of the city – the "World" – is among the main themes of the Revelation. To do so, before he can create the Disney version, the New Jerusalem, god must rid the Earth of the real city – Babylon. Here's the message: god, like Bush and the fundamentalists, is going to make civilization work – or kill us and all life while trying.

The most clear-cut and unequivocal action of the deity of the Revelation is the destruction of the Great Babylon.

Represented metaphorically as a wealthy whore, Babylon is explicitly identified as a city, a global capitol of commerce and corruption with links to craven, lust-filled businessmen in a network that envelops the globe.

The Rastafarians, certainly, have taken this reading straight forwardly and made of it a central image in their eclectic theology of liberation. They're not the first and won't be the last, to turn a repressive ideology on its head and make of it a liberatory one. Nor have they been the first to selectively emphasize biblical passages to fulfill their own cultural purposes – and the cultural purposes and functions of this myth are altogether different in the Euro-American cultural matrix.

While the oppressed – particularly those of African and Indigenous American descent - have made of the bible a "way out" of their oppression at the hands of their Babylonian captors, in a Euro-American framework the Revelation offers a different "way out" –a way to avoid responsibility for the destruction that comes as the climax of their "civilization."

For the oppressed, in their theologies of liberation, apocalypse is restorative. It restores the natural order – it is the restoration, as well, of human justice.

In the syncretic Mayan Book of the Chilam Balam of Chumayal the sentiment is clear; the return of christ means the end of Spanish rule in Mayan lands. Once the Spanish have been driven out, the rule ofJesus Christ and the Mayan leadership will begin again.

In the most coherent and morally consistent of the indigenous prophecies -¬ that of the Hopi nation – it is said that during the Time of Purification a brave person will stand up and demand of the rulers, "You profit at the expense of all life. Come here and pay your debt."

It is that payment – the moral and practical responsibility for the debt of destruction - that the Euro-American script encoded in the Revelation means to avoid.

Those who take refuge in god's "rescue" and god's "plan" fail to realize that we live in Babylon as if it were the New Jerusalem, and that there is no essential difference between them.

It is the emotional, psychological, cultural and economic compulsion to ignore the reality of that which surrounds the City and its elites that makes Babylon and the ecological destruction and human and animal oppression it represents possible.

The New Jerusalem, the "City of God," is only an idealized projection of the same dynamic – except that in the "heavenly" case it's projected that there is no real Earth surrounding the City – it has been and can be destroyed. Even under such conditions, the City –civilization - can, must and will live on. The triumph of will, the dominance of the City of God, is the triumph of Babylon, and both are predicated on omnicide - the destruction of Life on Earth. The so-called New Earth, in this scenario, is, apparently unworthy even of description in the Book of Revelation. It has no reality.

The Destroyer

"We also have to work… the dark side, if you will." - US Vice President Dick Cheney

"In terms of the despiritualization of the universe, the mental
process works so that it become virtuous to destroy the planet." –Russell Means

The distinction between a Hitler and a "Good German" is a distinction without a difference.

Those who are not outright death mongers – which is to say those unconscious of the implications of the script, don't get off the hook. If they don't know, the chances are they don't want to know.

The Euro-American rendering of the tale of the apocalypse nonetheless provides an inoculation against any real awareness of the reality of our global situation and against taking responsibility for its consequences.

In the US, the middle class is as addicted to power and to things –junk – as are the elites. The main difference is that they can only
access smaller doses of these pain killers.

The addiction to power and to things leaves us, like any addiction, psychologically and emotionally "invulnerable." That's the whole idea; someone gets hurt, but it's not us. We have ours. We don't sympathize.

Hierarchical civilization is based on just this, something so simple;hurt, power, the repression of meaning and the evasion of consequences. The Latin root of "evade" means to "walk out" on.

The meaning of the myth of the apocalypse in its Euro-American context can't be abstracted from these fundamental dynamics.

The Revelation story means that the destroyers of the Earth who"believe" in Jesus will be wisked away on god's great broom in a moment akin to emotional/ mystical/ sexual "rapture." The believer /destroyers get off the hook, and leave the "sinners" behind to suffer the final destruction of the Earth.

They "evade" – they walk out on – the consequences.

They are, after all, the "elect."

We all know them; smug, fearful, arrogant: they all but identify themselves to us at a glance. They consider themselves superior, if
not supreme, beings.

They "have theirs" – their small power, their willingness to hurt those "beneath" them, and a veiled fear of the consequences. They are the "civilized" ones. They keep the rest of us in line.

The script that underlies the Revelation has a message for them; it tells them this:

"You need not – dare not – think about or authentically acknowledge news about the impending death of the planet. You need not act. It's in god's hands – where all "spooky" things, all "ghostly" and frightening things belong. The signs of doom are not for you. This is god's plan. It is not we but he who will destroy the Earth, in his
just wrath against evil.

"But remember, you are not "of" this World – you do not belong here. The world is evil; you are to hate it as you love god. God himself hates it and that is why he destroys it. That is why he saves you–because you hate the Earth as he does."

Such is the madness of god's wrath. Such is the "secret" evil and madness of his followers.

Having then, destroyed the Earth, god replaces it. But this is no Garden of Eden – he's not making that "mistake" again. There will be no innocence and no fall – those are no longer options. He replaces the Garden with the City State – the shining New Jerusalem. Here places natural freedom in nature with civilized "security."

There are angels at every gate. Watching. God can't escape civilization. The story, the script, can't escape its own premises. Here-enacts the inherent logic of destruction embedded in civilization by re-establishing the City State. He re-establishes the disease, the City that cannot live without destroying the Earth. This time,civilization is an act of god; god the Destroyer; god the Evader.

The Garden is gone. Forever. There is nowhere left to turn, no wayout. There is a guard at every gate.

He hasn't learned the most fundamental lesson: that life is vulnerability; that power – this kind of power - is death.

Is it any wonder the Christian fascists resonate with this tale?

Turning Point

"The time of warnings, passive resistance and conformity is already passed. All of us are now confronted with an enormous challenge:SURVIVAL" - Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests of the Americas

"A growing body of western scientific evidence now suggests what Indigenous Peoples have expressed for a long time: life as we know it is in danger." - THE ALBUQUERQUE DECLARATION

We live in the most critical moment in the history of humanity on Earth, and at one of the three most critical junctures in the record of life on this Earth.

Hiding under our desks will not – no matter what they told us as children – stop nuclear war. It will not stop Peak Oil, the collapse of the Green Revolution in agriculture, the collapse of civilization or of life on the planet. Neither will huddling behind the bible.

We urgently need a different script, a different vision. It is time for a different kind of reckoning, a new Judgment. We need it now.

The possibility of global nuclear war is upon us in the Middle East.The window of opportunity to avert the most horrendous impacts of global warming is rapidly closing. By 2012 it will be too late. Some scientists, like James Lovelock, originator of the Gaia theory, say that it is already too late.

We need a new script – one that will tell us how we might save life on Earth, how we might survive what the scientists and indigenous elders alike tell us is coming. A script that will ensure we never make the same mistakes again – if we survive.
Those of us who sought – inspired by the upsurges of the 60's – tore-evaluate all values, were right. Those who sought to counter the dominant culture, to decolonize, to seek more ancient and deep rooted spiritual, cultural and political values were right.

Some intuited what indigenous cultures have always known; the need to place our focus in beauty, balance, and the renewal of the world: to protect land and life.

Many intuited the bottom line: that we are responsible.

This attitude of rectitude and reckoning is inherent in indigenous cultures – which are, by definition, identified with the land, who are identified with all the power and personality of Place, and who experience themselves as an inseparable part of the web of life particular to that place.

Indigenous peoples want no escape.

They belong.

They know that to separate from the web of life is to destroy it; and the very heart of their spiritual and ritual lives is to maintain the balance between humans, Earth and Life in a spirit of reciprocity and mutual respect.

It's been written of one indigenous elder, for example, that he"carries with him a little pouch filled with cornmeal… whenever he takes anything he needs from Mother Earth, he puts or sprinkles a little pinch of cornmeal at that place… By this gesture he pays homage to the Source of all life and survival."

From the depths of this simple respect and from the understanding of the implications of separation from the web of Life, has arisen a kind of prophecy that, in its moral consistency and practical clarity is the antithesis of the Revelation. Among them are the prophecies of the Hopi, the Kogi, the Lakota and the Maya. There are many others. Perhaps some who are interested in a different vision or a different script might look there. My purpose is not to proselytize. No one needs to be "saved" or changed into anything they are not.

We've already been "saved" and "changed" to the point that many of us are out of our bodies and minds. We can, must, will and do find our own way.

Our task, if anything, is to cast aside the script we've been handed –to cast aside our colonization and "salvation"; to reckon simply,intimately and directly with our life –and death – situation, and with what we, personally, are going to do about it.

Perhaps we will be so fortunate as to learn that to know ourselves once again is to know the power of place and our relationship to it,to regain our role as caretakers of the land, and to find our place,once more, as part of the Living Earth. Perhaps we will be so fortunate as to survive.


"We need to take a close look at this and then really come to terms with ourselves. To move ahead into the next 500 years we must leave some things behind or they will contaminate or even eliminate the future. We cannot go forward if we keep destroying the earth. But we must also ask, what is good and healthy and helpful? Those good things can be part of our foundation, part of our pathway into the next 500 years." - Navajo Elder Leon Secatero

The forces arrayed against us are immense, so immense that, even were the world to suddenly awaken to the depths of the danger – even if the rulers and the fundamentalists themselves were to awaken - the sheer inertia, the momentum toward destruction, might still carry us over the edge.

But in the US some 60 million people say they are gravely concerned about global warming. The war for control of the Middle East, and the moves toward fascism in the US, have made George W. Bush the most unpopular president of our time.

If – and it is a huge if – we were to wake up – to understand the utter magnitude of the threat posed by the US empire to the world and to all life on every front, then the possibility of an effective movement spurred by a tremendous and urgent energy might develop in time to make a difference.

It does no good, however, to note the slim odds – because if we don't act in just this way, the odds of survival for most of the Earth's species – ourselves included, drop precipitously.

For all that the Third World is destined to suffer the harshest of the coming blows, it may well be in the non-industrialized areas that any non-fascistic reorganization of society is possible. Cuba's response to its national peak oil crisis is a case in point.Not only are the Third World nations more susceptible to peoples' struggles, but the fragmentation they will undergo under the conditions on the horizon, combined with the relative closeness of the peasantry to the land in those places, lends itself more readily to the kind of small, local, sustainable solutions that appear to be the only solutions that will be possible or desirable.

That is, if we manage, somehow, to avoid a nuclear World War lll, if global warming and desertification don't turn the land into an oven,if local ecosystems can be sustained, or only partially collapse; if the aquifers aren't depleted; and if the rivers and lakes don't disappear with the glaciers…

First World conditions are more likely to develop in a fascistic direction. Going "back to the land" as a survival matter may not make any more sense for tomorrow's survivors than it did for David Koreshto hold up in his compound in Waco.

Those best positioned and prepared to survive independently will be the remnants of the Native American nations, who have a recognized land base, and, in most cases, at least fragmentary living traditions and lore for living directly in tune with the land. But there are no guarantees at all. The same ecological issues will confront First Worlders as Third Worlders who join in local efforts at sustainable communities.

How can we stop this? How can we survive if we cannot stop it?

The mind rebels.

Having spent thousands of years developing the tools of prediction and control, civilization has now brought us to a juncture in which war,water, weather, food, shelter and our very social structure will be less predictable than they were when we rebelled against maintaining our lives as hunters and gatherers, taking up instead what Quinn calls totalitarian agriculture – the "Agricultural Revolution" - in order to ensure a predictable survival. Our survival, human survival and advantage came first; no matter what the cost to the animal and plant life around us, no matter the cost to our fellow human beings who may find themselves socially "beneath" us and no matter what cost we might pay in our own tortured psyches.

We live – very truly – in a state the Hopi call Koyannisqatsi – life disintegrating; life out of balance; a way of life that calls for another way of living.

In 1980, Russell Means gave his most famous speech, called "ForAmerica to Live Europe Must Die." In it, he points to another way of living. Means said:"There is another way. There is the traditional Lakota way and the ways of the other American Indian peoples. It is the way that knows that humans do not have the right to degrade Mother Earth, that there are forces beyond anything the European mind has conceived, that humans must be in harmony with all relations or the relations will eventually eliminate the disharmony. A lopsided emphasis on humans by humans - the European's arrogance of acting as though they were beyond the nature of all related things - can only result in a total disharmony and a readjustment which cuts arrogant humans down to size,gives them a taste of that reality beyond their grasp or control and restores the harmony. There is no need for a revolutionary theory to bring this about; it's beyond human control. The nature peoples of this planet know this and so they do not theorize about it. Theory is an abstract; our knowledge is real.

"American Indians have been trying to explain this to Europeans for centuries. But, as I said earlier, Europeans have proven themselves unable to hear. The natural order will win out, and the offenders will die out, the way deer die when they offend the harmony by over-populating a given region. It's only a matter of time until what Europeans call "a major catastrophe of global proportions" will occur.It is the role of American Indian peoples, the role of all natural beings, to survive. A part of our survival is to resist. We resist not to overthrow a government or to take political power, but because it is natural to resist extermination, to survive. We don't want power over white institutions; we want white institutions to disappear.That's revolution."American Indians are still in touch with these realities - the prophecies, the traditions of our ancestors. We learn from the elders,from nature, from the powers. And when the catastrophe is over, we American Indian people will survive; harmony will be reestablished.That's revolution."

With this understanding, we are free.We have the freedom of truly having nothing to lose. We are free to break down into madness, or into sanity. We are free to rediscover, to nurture our role as human beings – as caretakers of theEarth. It is totally in our hands, and totally out of our hands.We are free to break down, tune in and stop living as madmen bent on destruction. Free to give up our paranoia, our massive obsession with prediction and control, free, sooner than later, of the cult of everyday life.

We are free to, as the Elder Leon Secatero said, to leave some things behind. Free to trust, once again, our intuition, our bodies, our own thoughts, and to trust the rivers, the animals and our dreams. To bepart of the world again. To belong here. Even to die here, just as it is. Knowing our Place. As John Lennon once put it in another context, the dream is over. A door is opening to the end of this madness.

We are free to walk through it. Together.
Wherever it leads.
To life, or to death.

Food for thought

Peace is not a relationship of nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by a serenity of soul. Peace is not merely the absence of war. It is also a state of mind.
Lasting peace can come only to peaceful people.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Lunar Impacts

There's a meteor shower on the Moon tonight. Like Earth, the Moon is inside the Delta Aquarid meteoroid stream. Unlike Earth, however, the Moon has no atmosphere to shield it. Meteors on the Moon hit the ground and explode.
Some of the impact flashes might be visible from Earth. When the sun goes down tonight, train your telescope on the crescent Moon: sky map. Look left of the crescent where the lunar terrain is dark. Split-second flashes of light could signal Delta Aquarids hitting the ground.

Israel and US Discussing Sending US Troops into Lebanon

A "well-connected former CIA officer" has told Harper's Magazine Washington bureau chief that the Bush Administration is considering deploying US troops to Lebanon, according to a post at the magazine's website (RAW STORY has excerpted the post below because the site loads slowly when we link directly). Harper's post is here.
"The officer, who had broad experience in the Middle East while at the CIA, noted that NATO and European countries, including England, have made clear that they are either unwilling or extremely reluctant to participate in an international force. Given other nations' lack of commitment, any “robust” force—between 10,000 and 30,000 troops, according to estimates being discussed in the media—would by definition require major U.S. participation. According to the former official, Israel and the United States are currently discussing a large American role in exactly such a “multinational” deployment, and some top administration officials, along with senior civilians at the Pentagon, are receptive to the idea.
Full Story:

Ohio Evacuations

Flood water surged into homes and businesses, forcing people to rooftops to await rescue Friday morning after 9 inches of rain filled the rivers and streets of northeast Ohio.
Lake County, east of Cleveland, declared a state of emergency. County Administrator Kenneth R. Gauntner Jr. estimated at least 100 people had been evacuated and all available rescue boats had been pressed into service.
As much as 9 inches of rain fell Thursday and Friday in Lake County, the National Weather Service said.
Firefighters and Coast Guard crews were busy plucking stranded people from flooding homes and searching for a man who disappeared early Friday while moving marina equipment out of high water near the swollen Chagrin River, an outlet to Lake Erie.
Full Story:

Lightning Strikes girl in her bedroom

A seven-year-old girl narrowly escaped death when a powerful lightning bolt struck her bedroom, burning her pyjamas as she lay in bed.
Little Emily Holland was asleep when a shaft of lightning blew a hole in her bedroom ceiling, sending part of her nightclothes up in smoke.
The blast, described by witnesses as a fireball, burnt the arm and central stomach area of youngster's cotton pyjamas.
Full Story with photos:

July 28th Quote

People who reach the top of the tree are only those who haven't got the qualifications to retain them at the bottom.

Honey as a Remedy

"A household remedy millennia old is being reinstated: honey helps the treatment of some wounds better than the most modern antibiotics. For several years now medical experts from the University of Bonn have been clocking up largely positive experience with what is known as medihoney." The fact that honey can help wounds to heal is something that was known to the Ancient Egyptians several thousand years ago.
Full Story:

Thursday, July 27, 2006

The World With Blinders On

I have to say that the world has absolutely stepped off into lunatic fringe.
When will people realize that the curches and religions for that matter is nothing more than a war, death, mindcontrol machine. I listed a couple of articles below that prove this. Is it any surprise really? Do people really serve a god of death? Can people not think for themselves. Have we really become so helpless that we must serve this hate mongering god and teach our children to do the same. We must go by what people tell us and we can't read or look up facts for ourselves? People have their Faith and beliefs and theories and that is walking through life with blinders on. It's time to start searching for the TRUTH! The truth is out there you just have to look for it...and the Truth Shall Set you Free! Well here is the two articles I have chosen for the day.....I hope you learn from it.
Christian Zionists Lobby Congress - Terror in the name of Jesus
The BBC reported on July 19: "More than 3,400 evangelical Christians have arrived in Washington to lobby lawmakers as part of the first annual summit of Christians United for Israel. Delegates have come from all 50 states and have 280 meetings on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, [main organizer] Pastor John Hagee said."
Rev. Wagner is professor at North Park University in Chicago and a founding member of the Institute for the Study of Christian Zionism. He said today: "Briefly stated, Christian Zionism is a movement within Protestant fundamentalism that understands the modern state of the country-region Israel as the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy and thus deserving of political, financial, and religious support.
"While American evangelical Christians have long allied themselves with what they claim to be Israel's interests, the rising political power of the Christian Right, along with Republican dominance in Washington, has enabled them to extend their reach from their churches into the making of American foreign policy. Earlier this year, San Antonio televangelist John Hagee published an incendiary new book, Jerusalem Countdown, in which he claims that Iran, which he says is just months away from producing a viable nuclear weapon, must be confronted militarily, because the Bible predicts that such a confrontation will set off a chain of events leading to Armageddon and the Second Coming. Hagee's new lobbying arm, Christians United for Israel, had long planned its visit to Washington this week to lobby Congress, and it drew more attention because it coincided with the current bloodshed in Lebanon and Israel. As a drumbeat of politicians and pundits clamoring for war with Iran becomes louder, Hagee's role in mobilizing the shock troops in support of a military strike is becoming more clear. Prominent Republicans, including Republican National Committee Chair Ken Mehlman, attended the group's events. While many Republicans may not adhere to Hagee's ideas about Biblical prophecy, this dangerous marriage of convenience nonetheless produces public support for Bush's war agenda -- as well as evangelical votes come November."
Link to full article:
Nancy Levant July 25, 2006 NewsWithViews.com
The separation of church and state - gone with the stroke of a pen. As of March 7, 2006, our nation’s leader signed another Executive Order, which tied the Department of Homeland Security to our leader’s “faith-based” churches. Okay, all you non-profit churches out there – you now serve the federal government’s primary spying agency. That is now your primary function. You are now and officially an organized den of thieves.
I would feel sorry for the pastors, ministers, priests, and rabbis except for the fact that I just can’t and won’t. How stupid and positively corrupt can you possibly be to take money in exchange for manipulating your flocks of idiot sheep to the national slaughter? And will you also spy on your flocks and provide reports to your new master?
In exchange for money, have you agreed to pacify and organize your flocks in the event of a national emergency? You certainly have, for you have been ordered to do so. And have you been ordered to offer your buildings, your resources, and your labor forces called congregations to serve your newly declared administrator?
I try to come up with words to describe how I feel about this Executive Order and the churches that have “partnered” themselves to this system. The words don’t come minus the fact that the church has completely and irreversibly fallen to the lowest and darkest common denominator, which is the total betrayal of the souls of the faithful. I would pray for your forgiveness, but I don’t want to.
Nor do I want to write about this sickening topic. But, I appeal to Christian people to 1) ask your church leaders if they are “faith-based” funded, and 2) to leave those churches and start home-based churches with your friends and family members. Do not support Executive Ordered, Department of Homeland Security churches with your presence or your money. You are being manipulated and reported upon – guaranteed.
You are being told what to do when more “crisis” hits the nation, and will hit the nation, as all is now planned down to our “weather emergencies,” which are providing the training and relocation exercises for the real crisis to come – the one that permanently collapses Constitutional America.
The church needs to regroup and gather in homes, where faith is restored, private, and truth is real. Forget the church leadership. They are padding their pockets and socially re-engineering your mind with think tank religion and crisis management, and they’re getting paid to do so – much like the public schools and mass media.
Raise your churches in your homes. All you need is a Bible – one will do. Save yourselves and your souls and leave your new and improved church buildings, fancy organs, fundraisers, and colorful windows behind.
As in all Communist countries, the church will survive underground, so to speak, and with genuine prayer. And serve your Constitutional America. Don’t give up on freedom – even as it dissolves before your eyes. Be courageous in truth and gather together in truth.

Todays Quote

Love flies, runs, and rejoices it's free and nothing can hold it back.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Britain to protest US use of airport to send missiles to Israel

by Staff WritersLondon (AFP) Jul 26, 2006 British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett is planning to make a formal complaint to the United States over the alleged use of a Scottish airport as a staging post for the transport of missiles to Israel.
Beckett said she had raised the issue with US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, telling British media the government was "not happy" about reports two chartered Airbus A310 cargo planes that were filled with GBU28 laser-guided bombs landed at Glasgow's Prestwick airport over the weekend for refuelling and for the crew to rest on the way to Israel.
Responding to a question asking whether it was acceptable for a British airport to be used as a staging post for the transport of weapons, Beckett told Channel 4 News: "No I am not happy about it.
"Not least because it appears that in so far as there are procedures for handling of that kind of cargo -- hazardous cargoes irrespective of what they are -- it does appear that they were not followed.
"I have already let the United States know that this is an issue that appears to be seriously at fault ... that we will be making a formal protest if it appears that that is what has happened.
"We are still looking into the facts but I have already notified the United States that we are not happy about it."
Prestwick Airport has in recent months also been the subject of claims that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) used it for so-called "extraordinary rendition" flights to transport security suspects to third countries where torture may be used.

They just don't stop and have no shame

Marine Corps looking for Myspace buddies
Teens looking to hook up with a friend on the popular Web community MySpace may bump into an unexpected buddy: the U.S. Marine Corps.
So far, over 12,000 Web surfers have signed on as friends of the Corps in response to the latest military recruiting tactic. Other military branches may follow.
MySpace.Com, the Internet's most popular social networking site with over 94 million registered users, has helped redefine the way a generation communicates. Users, many in their teens and 20s, post personal profiles and accumulate lists of friends and contacts with common interests.

Barbelo & Long-Kept Secrets

In the "forbidden" gnostic gospels that have begun to emerge from antiquity, we find we have actually been divinely invited to seek the truth and ask questions, because the truth is never marred or harmed by questions. Asking questions only serves to make the truth shine brighter. One might wonder into which direction we should begin a search for the truth at this hour when the truth about anything is very hard to come by. According to the gnostic gospels, the answer from above seems to have been, "go within," because there is something within that awaits discovery.
To read complete paper and mention of Spiritual Encounters and a message to us all go to the following:

Childs Play

Racial purists don't accept civilian slaughter as a necessity of war, they fiendishly embrace it as they pursue an "ethno-bomb"
Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet July 25 2006
From Wired News,
"Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London's Sunday Times. The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus."
"The "ethno-bomb" program is based at Israel's Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes."
Imagine if plans were unearthed detailing a program on behalf of Kim Jong-il or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to create an ethno-bomb to wipe out Jews or caucasians. How would Israel and the United States react?
Only Israel is allowed to be nuclear-armed, violate dozens of UN treaties, use chemical weapons on civilians, and construct horrific policies of ethnic cleansing.
Israel have made a pact to carry out this agenda in league with the Neo-Cons, and above them the Globalists, whose desire is also world population reduction and complete full spectrum domination and control over all countries and near-Earth space itself.
All these facets are openly discussed by the elite in their own public documents.
Hezbollah are no angels but compared to the relentless mesmerized brutality of the Israeli war machine, even the lapdog lamestream media has all but given up trying to portray this as a balanced affair.
RELATED: Shocked at Israeli atrocities? Don't be.

Quote of the day

Protect and pray for the children.
Bind the hands and the tools of those that would harm them.

From The Roman Empire

ROME, Italy (CNN) -- Talks between key Middle East players in Rome on a plan for ending the 15-day-old conflict in Lebanon Wednesday failed to reach agreement on an immediate cease-fire.
One source involved in the talks said everyone but the United States wanted to press ahead with an immediate cease-fire, but Rice argued that taking that approach would leave Hezbollah in place and still armed with its rockets.
Rice also expressed concern over what she said was Iran and Syria's involvement in the conflict, while Annan said that future dialogue should involved Tehran and Damascus.

Typhoon hits China, over 700,000 evacuated

Beijing (AFP) Jul 25, 2006Typhoon Kaemi struck the southeast coast of China on Tuesday, sparking the evacuation of more than 700,000 people in an area still reeling from a tropical storm that claimed over 600 lives.
link to www.terradaily.com

Heat Causes Pileup of Livestock Carcasses

FRESNO, Calif. (AP) -- The state's record-setting heat wave has killed thousands of dairy cows and other livestock, leaving farmers with piles of carcasses and creating a backup at factories that turn the dead animals into pet food.
A combination of sweltering temperatures, growth in the state's dominant $5 billion dairy industry and fewer plants to properly dispose of the animals have forced several counties to declare a state of emergency.
The declarations allow dead livestock to be dumped in landfills - something usually outlawed because of health risks.
"But what can we do? We have to weigh the possible contamination to ground water versus piles of dead cows stinking and attracting flies," said Phil Larson, chairman of the Fresno County Board of Supervisors.
The heat wave, with 10 straight days of 100-degree temperatures, brought the threat of more rolling blackouts and raised the number of suspected heat-related deaths to at least 56. Cooler weather was not expected until Wednesday.

Jetliner Loses Engine, Lands Safely in NYC

A jetliner carrying more than 250 people lost power in one of its two engines Wednesday but landed safely at a nearby airport, officials said.
The Boeing 777 plane landed at John F. Kennedy International Airport less than a half hour after the engine failed, said American Airlines spokesman Billy Sanez. Officials were investigating what caused the problem on Flight 134.

Look to the Skies

METEOR SHOWER: The Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower peaks on July 28th. Go outside before dawn on Friday morning, look south, and you could see a meteor every five minutes or so.
No one knows where these meteors come from. They could be remains of a long-dead comet or debris from an asteroid-asteroid collision. Curious fact: There is a debris stream nearly parallel to this one. Earth will pass through it on August 8th, producing the Northern Delta Aquarid meteor shower. It's a mystery, too.

Mel and the Maya

Call it "The Passion of the Maya": Mel Gibson is quietly filming a movie in a Mexican jungle about the collapsed civilization.Given Gibson's cinematic history, experts on the ancient Maya are looking forward to his upcoming epic, "Apocalypto," with a mixture of curiosity and dread. They're pleased that Hollywood will feature a period of world history still little understood but worry that once again a movie may sacrifice historical accuracy for the sake of a good story.
But according to the film's website, "Apocalypto" promises "a heart-stopping mythic action-adventure set against the turbulent end-times of the once-great Mayan civilization." The story centers on a kidnapped hero's bid to escape a mass sacrifice at one Maya center. According to another description of the plot in Time magazine's March preview, a ruler orders the mass sacrifice of hapless captives to appease the gods and avert a drought.The only problem, and big cause for worry among archaeologists, is "the classic Maya really didn't go in for mass sacrifice," Lucero says. "That was the Aztecs." Other concerns: the modern-day Mayan Yucatec language spoken in the film is not the language of the ancient Maya, and the film's Mexican shooting locale is not the classic Maya homeland, says Penn State archaeologist David Webster.
The classic Maya were one of the most developed cultures of Central America before the arrival of Columbus. The Maya practiced slash-and-burn and terrace farming, relying on corn as a staple, and repairing in the dry season to ceremonial centers holding monumental pyramids, plazas and temples.In 1989, discoveries by Hansen and colleagues established that Maya rulers had centralized their roles far earlier than once supposed, building several massive centers with the help of commoners as early as 600 B.C. The classic Maya culture's history lasted for more than 1,000 years, ending around A.D. 850 with the collapse of the use of ceremonial centers in what are now parts of Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico.Scholars still disagree over the extent to which war, drought or general political failure led to the collapse.By focusing on the role of mass sacrifice, "Apocalypto" seems poised to insert its own vision into this area of scholarly disagreement, says Lucero, who this year published "Water and Ritual: The Rise and Fall of Classic Maya Rulers." The lack of signs of warfare at the sites she has studied, and many others, points more toward a political collapse of the classic Maya, she concludes. "People voted with their feet," she says, moving back into the jungle or northward in a time of drought and political upheaval, when rulers lacking water couldn't compel farmers to visit their centers.Focusing only on certain aspects of the Maya collapse such as violence or ecological disasters may create the incorrect impression that it was a simple process or that it was caused by a single factor, says archaeologist Tomas Barrientos of Guatemala's Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, by e-mail.

Bombing hits children the hardest

BEIRUT - About 55 percent of all casualties at the Beirut Government University Hospital are children of 15 years of age or less, hospital records show."This is worse than during the Lebanese civil war," Bilal Masri, assistant director of the hospital, one of Beirut's largest, told IPS Monday. Not only are most of the patients children, but many of the injured have been brought in serious condition, he said. "Now we have a 30 percent fatality rate here in Beirut. That means that 30 percent of everyone hit by Israeli bombs are dying. It is a catastrophe."
People are furious about the high number of casualties among children.. Mariam Mattar, a 50-year-old mother sitting on a mattress in a park in central Beirut along with hundreds of other refugees from southern Beirut said no home there was safe. "We left our house because they are bombing everything in the civilian neighbourhoods," she told IPS. "They are killing all our children. What human would ever do this kind of thing." They had moved to central Beirut because it was safer. But living out in the open has meant another kind of hell. "We are without our shoes even. We are living in the dirt. Would Israel allow her children to live like this," she asked, pointing at her bare feet. She pulled a little boy towards her and said, "What have these children done? The other children who didn't escape are rotting under the destroyed buildings as we speak." Israeli war planes roared above as several refugees spoke with IPS. "We are very afraid from all the bombings," Ramadan, a 12-year-old boy in the park said. "I hope they stop. This is all we want now.."

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Not Everyone is a War Slut

Peace movement Beirut [link to www.dailystar.com.lb] Isreali Peace Protests [link to zope.gush-shalom.org] Tel Aviv: thousands rally against war [link to www.ynetnews.com] NYC [link to www.nkusa.org] Sydney [link to www.brushtail.com.au] Cairo[link to www.canada.com]

Contributed by: Kent S

July 25th Day Out Of Time

Tuesday, July 25, 200611:11 UT; 4:11am PDT
This is the last day of the galactic year according to the Mayan and Galactic calendar. (13 moons of 28 days =364 days ~ the extra day, the 365th day, is July 25,the "Day Out Of Time") This is a special day for meditation and prayer.
This day is an opportunity to experience the freedom of being alive, true timelessness and loving kindness. Whether public gatherings or private circles, this day is a catalytic launch-pad for the year to come, a great, global harnessing of telepathic presence, and a perfect way to invite new participants into the harmony of the 13 Moon Calendar. The celebration begins in the heart!

July 25th Quote

"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change."

Monday, July 24, 2006

July 24th Quote

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it
from a religious conviction.

War Games This Week

List of events at the following....Please note these dates

Wars Crimes Against Humanity

Warning: View at your own risk. This is murder not to mention war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Do you know what kind of weapons causes this damage? UPDATED

Heat and Crop Circles

The hottest day ever recorded in a British summer was on July 19th. London’s Underground subway system has no air conditioning and temperatures have reportedly reached 117 degrees Fahrenheit, while road surfaces south of London have been melting.
Simultaneously, there has been a rash of crop formations in six English counties between July 4th and 19th. Two of the most outstanding were in Oxfordshire on July 8 – both near Wayland’s Smithy, which a year ago was the focus of extraordinary Mayan formations. Some people analyzed the 2005 Wayland’s Smithy patterns and concluded the crop formations contained clocks or calendars counting down to mid-August 2007.
Full Story:

Sunday, July 23, 2006

1 Anunnaki

Sunday Nights 3 hour live interview of the upcoming film 1 Anunnaki was excellent. Very well done and in an upfront honest manner. Please visit their website to check out more about the upcoming film and it's release: http://www.1anunnaki.com
They also have a chat and member section on their web site. The also have a yahoo group site for those interested: http://movies.groups.yahoo.com/group/1ANUNNAKI/
I'll also keep you posted on more exciting interviews on X2 Radio: http://www.x2-radio.com/Home.htm
If you missed tonites show it will be available for download within 24 hours.

Special Notice: Monday Night 7/24/06 on Radio Orbit:
Host Mike Hagan will be interviewing Guest Marko Rodin
Starting at 11:00 PM CST. Live Stream from Columbia, MO.
Mathematics as we know it today is only a tool to symbolize quantities. It simply and shamelessly helps the greedy king count his coins. Vortex-Based Mathematics (VBM) is completely different because it is a dynamic math that shows the relationships and thus the qualities of numbers rather than the quantities. Within VBM numbers are not symbols that stand for something else, NUMBERS ARE REAL AND ALIVE. But what exactly does that mean you ask, well...
This math truly explains everything that ever was, is, and ever will be in the universe, perfectly, with no omissions.
If you are unable to tune in Monday Night all programs are archived on Radio Orbit's main page usually within 24 hours of live broadcast.

Sunday Evening

Well just got the yard mowed and sittin back and drinking a glass of pink lemonaid trying to calm an upset stomach. It's t minus and counting down till 5:00 pm. CST await the interview on 1 Anunnaki. Scroll down to see yesterdays announcement and link to live broadcast.
Should be an interesting show if stream lines stay up. See you there.

The Global Elite begin their Yearly Retreat at Bohemian Grove

MONTE RIO - Hundreds of protesters gathered outside an exclusive California retreat for government and business leaders Saturday to challenge the right of a ''ruling elite'' to make policy decisions without public scrutiny.
The men who attend the Bohemian Grove retreat spend two weeks performing plays, eating gourmet camp grub, listening to speakers and power-bonding at the 2,700-acre compound near the Russian River in Sonoma County.
The retreat is organized by the exclusive San Francisco-based Bohemian Club. The club and event are shrouded in mystery, much like Yale University's most-famous secret society, Skull and Bones, whose members include President George W. Bush and his presidential rival Sen. John Kerry.
A Nevada man who called himself ''the Phantom Patriot'' was found guilty of five felonies in recent years after he broke into the grove to stop what he thought were human sacrifices and child abuse.
A steady line of Gulfstream, Cessna and Falcon corporate jets landed Thursday at Charles M. Schulz-Sonoma County Airport, signaling the opening of the annual Bohemian Grove encampment.
Among the attendees will be former Secretary of State Colin Powell, who is scheduled to speak, according to the Bohemian Grove Action Network, which has been protesting at the encampment since 1980. Grove officials would not confirm the speech schedule.Meanwhile, rumors circulated among airport workers Thursday that actors John Travolta and George Clooney also were expected to fly in.The annual gathering has its detractors, who contend the participants - from government leaders to corporate executives - meet outside public view and discuss such issues as the war in Iraq and terrorism."I wouldn't say 'sinister' is the word at all, but the people who are involved there are doing some politically very inappropriate things to the world," said Peter Phillips, a Sonoma State University sociology professor who wrote his doctoral thesis on the club.
The encampment officially begins Saturday with the "Cremation of Care," a ceremony that includes a large bonfire, and runs for two weeks, with the middle weekend drawing the largest and usually the most prestigious crowd.Thomas Reed of Healdsburg, a former secretary of the Air Force and an inactive member, is scheduled to talk on his Cold War experiences.Reed said the club comprises a broad base of people who are just as likely to be discussing school vouchers as some pressing world issue."It is an area where friends get together," Reed said. "To say it is a place where nefarious schemes are hatched, I have not seen that. You get a lot of people together and people will talk about things, but where the protesters describe it as a cabal, it doesn't work that way."On Thursday, corporate jets arrived at the airport with men in blue blazers and business-casual attire who stepped onto small red carpets and were whisked by awaiting rental cars.Among the luggage of three arrivals were four cases of expensive French wine.Federal Aviation Administration controllers said there will be 50 planes landing Thursday and today carrying Bohemian Grove participants.Apex's Gallagher said the company probably will sell 20,000 gallons of jet fuel over the weekend.


GOLDEN GATE SHADOWS: Photographer Mila Zinkova looked over the edge of the Golden Gate Bridge on Thursday and saw, suspended in the swirling fog, a rainbow around her shadow.
Click on link below to view photo.

California Braces for more Heat

California roasts in record-breaking heat
Emergency declared as power reserves dwindle
No relief was expected until at least midweek from a weather front that sent temperatures soaring even along the normally cool California coast and brought Midwest-style humidity into the usually arid Central Valley.
Records were set or tied Saturday at all five of the National Weather Service's recording locations in the Central Valley: 109 degrees in Sacramento, 111 in Redding, and 112 in Red Bluff, Stockton and Modesto.
A major Northern California power plant tripped off line as temperatures climbed, reducing electricity reserves below acceptable levels and prompting the state's grid manager to declare a "stage one emergency" while calling for conservation.
Los Angeles, where 99-degree temperatures broke the 96-degree record set in 1960. Temperatures in the city's Woodland Hills section hit a record 119 degrees, topping the 116-degree high set in 1985.
Records were also set throughout the San Francisco Bay area, including Livermore at 115 degrees, San Rafael at 108 degrees and San Jose at 102 degrees, according to the weather service. San Francisco's 87 degrees topped an 81-degree record set in 1917.
Localized outages in the Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Diego and San Francisco Bay areas were blamed on high demand that overloaded equipment. More than 90,000 customers in the Bay Area were without power early Sunday, said PG&E spokeswoman Jana Schuering.

More Lightning

2 N.J. teens killed, 2 injured in lightning strike
MONTVALE, N.J. - Four teenagers playing soccer were struck by lightning Saturday night while seeking shelter from a storm, police said. Two were killed and two were injured.
One of the teens who was running heard thunder and turned around to see lightning strike Lee Weisbrod, 19, of River Vale, and Steven Fagan, 18, of Woodcliff Lake, knocking them to the ground, police said. The other teen called 911 on his cell phone.
Weisbrod and Fagan, who suffered severe burns and trauma, were taken to Pascack Valley Hospital in Westwood, where they died around 7 p.m., authorities said.
The other teens, identified only as 16- and 19-year-old Montvale residents, were taken to Valley Hospital in Ridgewood. They were listed in stable condition late Saturday, and further details on their injuries were not available.

July 23rd Quote

People with courage and character always seem sinister to the rest.

6.1 Sulawesi, Indonesia

2006 July 23 08:22:10 UTC

We're starting early today

The Mystery of Baalbek

This article introduces and discusses new discoveries made in the colossal ruins at Baalbek, Lebanon, and the possibility they are evidence of a past supercivilization or, at least, technically advanced civilization of “prehistory.”
Click link below for research paper and photos:

I was doing a study on this yesterday for some odd reason and now it is featured on cyber space orbit. There are no coincidences!!!!!!!!
Article contributed by Kent S. - Cyberspaceorbit

It rained live fish in Kerala town

The incident happened at 12.30 in the afternoon at a small junction called Manna in Taliparamba, 20 km from Kannur town.

Thursday was one of those pleasant days in this monsoon season in Kerala with only an occasional drizzle disturbing the otherwise clear sky. As farmers wondered when they had last seen it rain cats and dogs, few would have thought that it would rain fish that day. It did ! The incident happened at 12.30 in the afternoon at a small junction called Manna in Taliparamba, 20 km from Kannur town. “It was a drizzle... at first nobody noticed it. But soon we saw some slushy objects on the ground and under speeding vehicles. When we picked them up, we were surprised. They were fish,’’ said a visibly surprised Abu, a provision stores owner at Manna. “They were very much alive and looked like paral, the freshwater variety found in lakes and drains.. There were about 30 to 50 of them,’’ he told Deccan Herald over phone.
They said that the phenomenon appeared to be genuine and was not bogus as was initially suspected.
It is now claimed that fish rain had been reported from Peermedu in Idukki and Paravoor in Kollam in June which incidentally witnessed high-speed winds during the second phase of monsoon. Experts say that it can happen during a storm when wind may sweep the earth's surface at great speed, creating whirlwinds or even small tornadoes that can catch debris on the surface. The clouds which carry them will open up sooner or later to drop the catch. Raining animals were first described by Pliny the Elder in the 1st century. Before the advent of modern science, supernatural explanations, from God to extra-terrestrial entities, were invoked to explain the phenomenon.

Girl Escapes Lightning Strike

A Russian teenager survived a lightning strike which was so powerful it vaporised a gold cross on her neck.
The bolt hit Marina Motygina, 16, from Ekaterinburg in western Russia on the top of her head and seared through her body into the ground.
The necklace she had been wearing was 'atomised', leaving burns in the shape of a cross on her neck, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported.
Only a couple of links of the chain could be found.
A doctor at the local hospital who treated her said: "It is a miracle she has survived. She is fine now but will be staying in hospital for another two weeks.
"But she will have deep scars on her neck where the cross was for the rest of her life."http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1922998.html?menu=news.quirkies

Exploding Star

A star on the brink of exploding as a spectacular supernova has been glimpsed by international astronomers.
The star flared up suddenly last February, briefly becoming 1,000 times brighter than normal.
RS Ophiuchi is close to destroying itself in a nuclear explosion called a type 1a supernova, scientists report in the journal Nature.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

U.S. rushes precision-guided bombs to Israel

By Reuters
The Bush administration is rushing a delivery of precision-guided bombs to Israel, which requested the expedited shipment last week after beginning its air campaign against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon, The New York Times reported on Saturday. Citing U.S. officials who spoke on Friday on condition of anonymity, the Times said the decision to ship the weapons quickly came after relatively little debate within the administration, and noted in its report that its disclosure threatens to anger Arab governments and others who could perceive Washington as aiding Israel in the manner that Iran has armed Hezbollah.

The Book of Judas

There has been much discussion on the newly revealed Book of Judas.
This past week Radio Orbit had a spectacular interview with Mary Sparrowdancer on this subject. To listen to last weeks live interview go to Radio Orbit:
Under the Radiorbit playlist click on open media that is in red. When the window opens click on #2 on the number pad and you will be able to listen to the full interview.
Fascinating Subject Indeed!

July 2006 Special Presentations

Click on the link below and then click Presentation...it's worth the 45 seconds

Do the same as above for this special presentation.

Coming to Cyber Space Sunday July 23rd

Topic of interview: 1 Anunnaki....An epic Sci-fi. The first of Anunnaki Trilogy.
The ancient Sumerians spoke of the gods that came and created mankind in their own image. After ruling these ancient peoples for millenia the Anunnaki disappeared without a trace...Or Did They?

X2 Radio will be discussing this upcoming movie thriller.
Listen LIVE! Every Sunday night at NEW TIME 6:00 - 9:00 PM EST
To read more on 1 Anunnaki go to the following:

contributed by: Don H.-The Balance999

Red China Opens NAFTA Ports in Mexico

The Port Authority of San Antonio has been working actively with the Communist Chinese to open and develop NAFTA shipping ports in Mexico. The plan is to ship containers of cheap goods produced by under-market labor in China and the Far East into North America via Mexican ports. From the Mexican ports, Mexican truck drivers and railroad workers will transport the goods across the Mexican border with Texas. Once in the U.S., the routes will proceed north to Kansas City along the NAFTA Super-Highway, ready to be expanded by the Trans-Texas Corridor, and NAFTA railroad routes being put in place by Kansas City Southern. Kansas City Southern’s Mexican railroads has positioned the company to become the “NAFTA Railroad.”
The Bush Administration seems on-board with the plan, aiming to increase corporate capital gains in NAFTA markets rather than worrying about the adverse consequences to Mexican low-skilled workers or to the U.S. labor movement that transferring increasing amounts of manufacturing and assembly to China entails.
Full Story:

Another Big Wig Found Dead

Banker linked to Parmalat scandal is found dead

The mutilated body of a prominent Italian banker who was due to face hearings in connection with the Parmalat scandal was found on Friday near Parma, nearly three weeks after his mysterious disappearance.
Gianmario Roveraro, the 70-year-old founder of the investment company Akros Finanziaria, had gone missing on July 5 while returning home from a meeting of Opus Dei, the conservative Catholic group, in Milan.

'Hundreds dead' in N Korea floods

Torrential rain has swept through the Korean Peninsula in recent days, causing flooding and landslides both sides of the border.
This is the first confirmation from Pyongyang that the severe weather has led to human casualties.
South Korea has also been hit by the seasonal storms, with around 60 people dead or missing after days of rain.

Magnitude 5.1 temblor hit mountainous area, number of injured unclear

BEIJING - A magnitude-5.1 earthquake hit a mountainous area in southwestern China on Saturday, killing at least 17 people and injuring dozens, a government official said.
The earthquake struck at 9:10 am (0110 GMT) and toppled at least 56 houses and sent large rocks tumbling down onto residential areas in and around Yunnan province's Yanjin county, about 90 kilometers (55 miles) from Zhaotong city, the official Xinhua News Agency said.

U.S. Nuclear-Powered Carrier Flotilla Enters Pusan Port

Pyongyang, July 21 (KCNA) -- A U.S. nuclear-powered carrier flotilla consisting of Enterprise, Aegis destroyer, cruiser, submarine, etc. entered Pusan port of south Korea on July 18, according to press reports. The flotilla has been involved in the large-scale RIMPAC-2006 joint military exercises simulating a war of aggression against the DPRK. This portcall is stirring up the deep concern of the public at home and abroad as it fully revealed the intention of the U.S. imperialists to further strain the situation on the Korean Peninsula and thus realize their ambition to start a nuclear war.

Bones in the Cross

At first glance, the cross sitting in front of the altar at Immaculate Conception parish in Chicago's South Chicago neighborhood Friday morning looked like just another ornately bejeweled silver cross.
But upon closer inspection, the six claret-colored discs running along the arms and body of the cross are little windows. And at the center of each is a relic -- tiny bone fragments from six Roman Catholic priests martyred for their faith in 1920s Mexico.
The six "Priest Martyrs of Mexico" are now saints, having been canonized by the late Pope John Paul II in 2000. Each of the men -- Luis Batiz Sainz, Jose Maria Robles Hurtado, Mateo Correa Magallanes, Miguel de la Mora, Rodrigo Aguilar Aleman and Pedro de Jesus Maldonado Lucero -- was executed between 1926 and 1927 by the Mexican government during what is known as the Cristero War.
Three were hanged, two were shot, and one was beaten to death.

July 22nd Quote

The important thing is this:
To be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could be.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Judges Out of Control

It's a sad day when we can no longer choose our own treatment for what we think is best for ourselves and our own bodies and health.

Judge orders teen to cancer treatment
NORFOLK, Va. - A judge ruled Friday that a 16-year-old boy fighting to use alternative treatment for his cancer must report to a hospital by Tuesday and accept treatment that doctors deem necessary, the family's attorney said.
The judge also found Starchild Abraham Cherrix's parents were neglectful for allowing him to pursue alternative treatment of a sugar-free, organic diet and herbal supplements supervised by a clinic in Mexico, lawyer John Stepanovich said.
Jay and Rose Cherrix of Chincoteague on Virginia's Eastern Shore must continue to share custody of their son with the Accomack County Department of Social Services, as the judge had previously ordered, Stepanovich said.
The parents were devastated by the new order and planned to appeal, the lawyer said.

Power Outages Grow

Blackouts from wind, lightning vex utilities
HOUSTON (Reuters) - Power outages that left more than 1.5 million customers without lights this week have fired up criticism that U.S. utilities aren't investing enough to fortify electrical lines against wind, lightning and falling trees.
Blackouts in the Midwest and the mid-Atlantic states left neighborhoods without power just as a heat wave settled across most of the country, giving the electricity industry a public relations headache.
Utilities blamed violent storms packing hurricane-force winds that snapped trees and downed power lines. But consumer advocates said the outages point to deeper issues that give the U.S. worse power problems than other developed countries like England, France, and Japan.

WWIII Borders Growing

MOGADISHU, Somalia - An Islamic militia leader whose forces control the capital called for a holy war Friday against Ethiopian troops protecting Somalia's weak U.N.-backed government. Sheik Hassan Dahir Aweys, speaking on Radio Shabelle, said Ethiopia's decision to send troops to protect the transitional government in Baidoa, 150 miles northwest of Mogadishu, must be met with war.

Mystery Outage

NEW YORK - A mysterious electrical problem blamed for subway delays, flight cancellations and power outages on the hottest days of the year persisted for a fifth day Friday, leaving 25,000 customers without power.
The blackouts started Monday in a handful of neighborhoods in Queens. Two LaGuardia Airport terminals lost power Monday night and again on Tuesday.
Hundreds of businesses have since been idle, and the city's jail complex on Rikers Island had to operate on backup generators. Some building elevators were not running and traffic lights at some intersections were not working.
"This is outrageous," City Councilman Peter F. Vallone Jr. said. "When is this going to be fixed? If it's going to be days, they should tell people it is going to be days."
The blackouts were at their worst on Wednesday, when 10 of the 22 feeder cables that supply the area with power were down simultaneously. The temperature had hit 100 degrees in the neighborhood the day before.